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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Snuck out after low water, tried drifting hook/swash for plaice - nothing, tried drifting old harry for bream - nothing tried drifting the patch - nothing - picked up a pot on "lobster Rock" and managed a lonely pout. drifted inshore a branksome - nothing.


Still a bit early in the season?


Hi Colin


It is still early but nice to see someone is out trying. biggrin.gif


Let me know when you find them. so far only 1 fish reported this month, so the fish of the Month trophy is an easy target.


Its a good time to get used to all the bits on the new boat and look at a few Numbers, thats what I intend to do when I get afloat again.



re Lobster rock - are these really 'pots' or do you mean the 4 small buoys that bug the hell out of me but are actually attached to the ground permenantly.


have ended up with the anchor caught in their chains twice now........ mad.gif


anyone know their history? I guess they are someones 'markers'.

Guest A lonely little pout

As I wandered a lonely little pout

swimming for all I'm worth

I thought "How peacfull here at this time of year

when there's no cod about"

So happy with my little world was I

My worries were as nowt

Then some mad keen fishing bloke

hooked me in the mouth

dow Ith thalk lith thith

You don't need a 4:0 hook

for a lonely little pouth



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