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Dave started his new job at the zoo and was given three tasks.


The first was to clear the weeds from the exotic fish pool. As Dave is doing it a huge fish leaps out and tries to bite him. Dave ends up killing it in a struggle. Realising his boss will be furious, he decides to get rid of it by feeding it to the lions.


Dave then moves onto his second job, clearing out the chimpanzee's enclosure. Immediately two of the chimps start to pelt him with coconuts. To discourage them he lashes out with his spade. Unfortunately he killed them both. He is in deep trouble now so he follows the previous course of action and throws them also into the lion's cage.


Deeply troubled because the job doesn't seem to be going too well, he goes to his next task, to collect the honey from the bees but they begin to attack him. Dave swats at them with his trusty spade and kills a large number of them before they desist. He can see no alternative but to shovel them up and again consign them to the lion's cage.


Later that day a new lion is moved to the zoo.


The newcomer asks the resident lions "what's the food like here?"


"It?s pretty good" the resident lions all agreed. "For example, today we had fish, chimps and mushy bees."


Mad Mike


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