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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Went down to the boat about 8:30am and did a few jobs ( always something to fix)

with low water at 9am i thought id better wait for some water before running the gaunlet at the entrance.


Brought everything but the kitchen sink with me and forgot my gps and fishfinder! mad.gifblink.gifsick.gif

getting through the enterance was no problem except having to go so slowly provided me with a good soaking as i took a couple over the bow ohmy.gif


Once out it wasn't too scary, wind with tide and a fairly big rolling swell but not horrendous. (not for the faint hearted either though blink.gif )


Got into the deeper water just west of the head and fished for an hour both on the hook and on the drift with mackeral baits,


Nothing doing and totally soaked from all those showers i decided to surf back in.


Good fun to be out and didn't expect to fish anyway let alone get a bite biggrin.gif .





Paul, I take my hat of to you mate! ohmy.gif


I s'pose invigorating is the word you would use? My thinking is along the lines of obsessive repetitive self punishment. I am sure you can get pills for it biggrin.gif


Be patient dude, that balmy spring day with a gentle force 2 breeze, a cloudless sky and rods kicking down with the charge of a 5lb bream on your line, well, they are just around the corner. smile.gif


Mad Mike




Did you catch anything at all ?


I am tempted to try out tomorrow. ( If not I might take the boat for a spin in the harbour ). Off to check the weather forecast now sad.gif




Nope not a thing, but i only tried for a hour.


If you see a load of Smoke up the Harbour, that'll be me decarbing my engine this morning




Mission complete, decarbed the engine today without too much fuss. Took a spin round the harbour to blow out some of the crap, it looked quite nice out- better than yesterday.


The Sea temp in the harbour is 7c apparently 8c is when it all starts happening



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