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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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As most of you will have gathered - the trail-a-way crew opted to fish Poole today as opposed to Hayling, as the fishing had been so poor. Good as chance at Poole as anywhere else?


Great start for me - as after arriving an hour early - I couldnt start Tara. Being stubborn on her last trip with me!. So she went back on the trailer, and Martin very kindly offered me a place on Maverick - with Bob going on Pilchard, sorry - Loyal Royal ( tongue.gif ) for her maiden voyage. Paul D was on Neo with his son.


We all started on the Swash grounds and I was off to a flyer with a 1lb Plaice banging away after only 10 mins - First cast, first fish!!


Unfortunatly that was all we had all day! - We had another 2/3 bites but nothing materialised. I think that was the same for the rest of the PBSBAC foltila. LR headed out to search some wrecks with her new toys and found the obligatory Pout and Doggies, and Paul D stuck at it, but struggled like us.


Anyway - 1st proper trip of the year - maybe a little early, but a good day none-the-less. Good company to boot! - Cheers guys.




Hi all


Yep the fishing was us but the company was good. I wouldnt say you motly lot made up for no fish but you went part way there biggrin.gif


Any how at least the Hayling link can at last die (dont post there anymore I have closed it) and I for one am looking forward to our shambles trip on sat 10th April, bring it on


Oh and cheers Peter for cheering us all up, I did actually mention to the cabin boy about Shambles but it was decided to keep Loyal Royal company on her Maiden voyage.


All in all a pleasant day




Ps did you fish today Peter


Had a cracking day out on Loyal Royal. OK, the fishing wasn't up to much but we did at least christen her maiden voyage with fish.


Like Adam said, we had no luck in the Swash, so decided to anchor at Ballard for an hour. Paul J caught an LSD of about 2lb.


The fishing obviously wasn't going to be too hot, so Mark decided it was time to play with his new toys. We headed south to a wreck marked on his plotter and found the obligitory charter boat sat near it. So, we made a quick search as we passed by and the wreck sprung on at Mark's FF as clear as a bell (twas the Betsy Anna). Very impressive the way the kit found the wreck straight away, and the displays were beautifully crisp and clear.


Seeing that the wreck was "busy" we headed back to a patch of rough ground we passed on the way out. We anchored but caught nothing.


Decided to call it a day, but on the way back Mark wanted to try to find another wreck that was on his chart. Well, again the plotter found the wreck first time, with the FF showing the high part of the wreck really well. To one side of the main wreck there was an area of flattened metal plates, and these showed up brilliantly on the FF as a thicker red line. Very impressive. And it showed bunches of fish too, so we decided to drift it for a short while. Mark made 5 or 6 drifts across it during which time we boated about 15-20 pout between us, mostly to Mark on this 3 hook patternoster with full houses each time.


During the whole day Loyal Royal behaved impeccably. We had a kind day weather-wise, so we didn't see how she would cope with choppy waters, but none the less the handling and ride were supurb! Mark ran the motor at various speeds to break it in, and did some very brief sprints during which we got up to 28knts. NICE! tongue.gif


Back at Cobbs Quay I was expecting trouble with retrieving such a big boat, but it all went very smoothly and was no harder than retrieving a smaller boat from Baiter.


Thanks for the trip out, Mark and Paul. It was a fun day.


It was good to see Paul D out with us in Neo, and finding his way around with his new plotter and getting more and more adventurous by the minute. He was on the Swash, then out at Ballard, and then over by Bournemouth pier! Pleased that the plotter was working so well. And even better to see her planiing along beautifully. That service on the motor certainly did the trick, Paul. Must have a trip out on her sometime. Perhaps one of the Christchurch trips? wink.gif




Bob F.


Yur welcome anytime Bob. The service certainly did the trick, I was up around 17 knots coming back in against the tide ( small tide admittedly, but an improvement on the 9 knots with the tide before !! ).


Well impressed with the Plotter/ FF. Not in glorious technicolor like some, but found various marks with ease. Also found a wreck / mark near Bournemouth Pier and managed to get snagged in it as well.


Dont know how the fishfinder works not having found any fish to plot !!


Christchurch Ledge next for me.





I have been informed by a reliable source .......


Around 50 boats fishing this weekend between the blocks and Langstone Harbour and plaice are being caught. Around 3 per boat ....... unsure.gifunsure.gif


Apparently it was in the local paper. If only we had ....... ?!?


I remember reading somewhere (it was one of those semi-scientific books on sea fishing by the sea water equivalent of a Carp fanatic). Any way the point was made that Plaice rarely feed well when the air pressure is lower than 30" (I don't know what that is in euro) and idealy the early days of a high, with pressure slowly risnig to 31" + is the best time of all.



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