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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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The forecast looked ace today - F3-4 max winds, high temps etc - been looking forward to it all week.


A nice early start and not a breath of wind in my 'wind tree' - expectations high. Met up with Terry B on the Bypass and decided to change plans and launch from Castletown for a change....well I wont again ph34r.gifph34r.gif Its not a bad slip when compared to some - but it is a million miles from the Town Quay - launching onto shingle, nowwhere to manouvre the boat and rig up, boats on the shingle, no parking - it isnt good. We managed - just - but had to rope the boat out - the road was packed with other users, divers EVERYYWHERE - it was one of the only bad bits of reasonable day.


Anyway, Rant over - the conditions on leaving the harbour left a little to be desired - the huge tide against the wind left a very lumpy sea - and once on the banks it was only on the verge of being safe for a 165 - we rekoned the swell to be about 15' sick.gifsick.gif with overfalls thrown in.


We headed to a wreck to start with the view to getting a few early pollock, but besides being difficult to stand up, the wreck seemed empty. Back on the banks it was touch and go whether we stayed put - Stingray and Sammy headed back in about 11am - didnt blame them, it was truely misserable. Maverick had taken a couple of small plaice, and I hooked into a decent plaice only for it to turn into a dogfish halfway up... mad.gif


The tide then slackened at about 1pm, so we plodded off through the slop to another mark. First drop - pollock. Second drop - bang, doesnt feel like a pollcok this one......COD!!! Blimey my first spring cod - not a monster at 6lb, but fat and plump all the less!


Chuffed at this we sat out the slack whilst Tango dropped in a few divers. Must say how polite he was - Phil Corben I think the skipper is - he came along side in his huge Offshore 125 and aksed if little us minded if he dropped on the slack - no we said. He then came back 10 mins later, thanked us and chatted about the fishing - makes a change for dive boats to act like this. biggrin.gif


Maverick then joined us as the flood tide started - first drift - fish on again....another COD!!! We then had another 12-20 pollock between the two boats up to 5/6lb. biggrin.gif


We tried the banks again for another hour but nowt, so headed in. Grove Point was very rough and we were down to 4 knots at one point as the overfalls broke around us - pretty scary really sick.gif


Total tally for BW - 2 plaice, one each to Gordon and I, best 1lb 4oz - Gordon. 2 Cod both 6lb to me and 12 pollock to 5lb between us.


A swift pint in the Spyglass rounded off the day!





Cracking job mate!

What top inshore fishing!!!


Are we talking the same wreck as before? How much lead needed? Stormies?


...if so I am tempted to get the super duper light spinning rod out and trying that.

Top fun!


Well done



PS: Did any of the Pollock return OK or was it still too deep for them?

I love catching the damn things, but would love to find a way of putting most of them back...


You jammy sod ,spring cod on/off the shambles ohmy.gif ,you never know whats going to turn up there,with hailbut one week ,cod the next!! well done mate. biggrin.gif

Shame about the plaice fishing .Do you think it was just the snotty weather stopping you fishing the bank right?

maybe next week will be better...........fingers crossed ph34r.gif





Well done, you were rewarded for your persistence. My son and I were not having a good time out there and our trip in was just about on the edge of safe for my boat. We did consider trying something farther in but my heart wasn't in it, being dulled by the disappointment of a full week's anticipation. We ran away home to an early bath.


Waiting for the bream and bass to appear now before I venture out again. The salmon and trout will get my full attention for a while.


To those to whom I am indebted, cheques are in the post! Thanks Martin for acquiring my bait. Unfortunately all but 2 were released to the wild.


Terry B.


Nice report Adam and good to see it turned into a more than reasonable day after all.


I must get the hang of this wreck fishing as yet to catch a pollock from a wreck !


BTW: How big was the other plaice ? - are the rumours that you could see through it true smile.gif


Today was definitely hard work for very little reward. Decidedly rough first thing with wind against tide and it got worse with the wind taking the tops of the waves yuk. The tide eased and it quietened down a fair bit but still not comfortable. Deans final tally was 3 plaice and two Pollock with me bagging just 1 plaice, 1 Pollock, 1 mackerel and 1 launce (well got to make it sound good). We finished off in the Spyglass for a nice cold beer, definitely the best drift of the day and no white water there just white froth on the beer tongue.gif




realy good to get out but called it a day on the banks by about 10-30 one of my crew had managed to turn into a shade of green so we went back in and drifted with rubber eels. we ended up with about 12 pollock but the largest was between 2-3 pounds, because it was shallow they swam away fine.


cheers andy


Hi all


Managed to blagg another days fishing on Saturday except went down to Weymouth this time.


I had just launched on the town slip when Martin & Dean turned up. Thanks for the parking tip Martin. wink.gif


My crewman was Bill again and we were both looking forward to our first trip to the Shambles. Well made it out of the harbour and the lumps & bumps started but managed 12 to 15kts.


I have to admit I followed a charter boat to find a start drift location. ohmy.gif


Well after a couple of drifts of nothing we tried one very very long drift and still nothing and were using 12oz lead to try to feel bottom. sad.gif


On this drift Bill was not too well sick.gif and fell asleep holding his rod! wink.gifwink.gif


By this time I too had enough of being bounced around and slack water was just starting so I uped the drag weight and started heading in after a quick call on the radio to Martin let him know where we had gone.


Went into Portland harbour to some calm water smile.gif


Dropped anchor to try for some fish but again nothing so a quick drift over the Hood a couple of times but still nothing! dry.gifdry.gif


Nice to meet Lady Jane and crew (hi Andy)


We then thought we would try drifting for Bass in the entrance of Portland but again none about and the Portland Harbour guy came over and asked if we had purchased a ticket to enter the harbour. (


I forgot to mention the Mayday which came about 1pm in the afternoon - the dive boat from Castledtown - Maverick radioed in a Mayday after a diver came up not breathing. Whiskey Bravo was launched an airlifted the guy to hospital, whilst other nearby boats collected the other divers in the water.


I heard today that the diver died on the way to hospital. Very Sad.


Coddy quote."Seems I have caught Jack's infection for not catching fish so far, hope it does not last long however! coddy "


Heres is Sundays fishing report from the "master"...Wind...crap

Sea state...crap



Ass.wet. [didnt bother to suit up ]

Good points..Plenty of fresh air;nice pork pie and sarnies;squeezed UNDER the bridge at 4oc. with only an inch to spare;didnt lose any gear,put the boat in the slot first go,impressing Andy who usually docks like hes in a a James Bond film !!


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