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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Not sure what to make of the new Warrior Pro Angler.


Where's it trying to fit into the market?


It's sounds like a more expensive version of the 165 but with less fishing space.


Is it trying to supercede the 165 or to give an up market version of it?


There's some nice storage features and potentially a drier hull, but at the cost of a much heavier outfit.


The BFM article on the boat was very big, but I only ended up confused and not sure what to make of it.


Seems like a lot of effort by Warrior but I'm not sure how it's going to reap the benefit in terms of greatly increased sales. Is it trying to look at the volume market or just a niche for the top end angler (and hence the Pro title)?


I guess it's a case to seeing and trying before you can conclude anything.


What do you think?




Steve (lookfar) has one on order to replace his 165 - so we will see. My interpritation is that it fills the gap between the 165 and the 175. For those who dont want, cant have the bigger boat but want the few extra features?


i do like the new pro angler after reading the reports but i dont think i would give up fishing space for a coolbox and a couple of lockers,it must be alot heavier if there putting a 70 on it instead of a 60 so you have to think of all aspects i think if i was buying one i would buy the original 165 because then you have best of both worlds.




I wouldn't be surprised if the 70 weighs about the same as the 60 or 50. Most manufacturers design their range in groups, i.e., 30/40/50, 60/70/90,.... where the engine is same but with different tuning/detuning.


The boat difinitely looks good. Being a warrior and I don't doubt it will preform as such. What I really like is the way the writer used the word 'serious anglers' serveral times implying thisboat is for them..... laugh.gif

  Bob F said:
When is Lookfar expecting to get his Pro Angler? It'll be interesting to see the boat.



That's the million dollar question! It was supposed to be Easter, then it wasn't. Then they went to start it on schedule after all and didn't have enough of the gel-coat colour I specified and THEN the supplier quoted a two week delay huh.gif Now I'm looking at weekend after next (I think) but probably can't get north to collect it until early May.

What with the BFM article and the 'nice' weather, I'm getting a bit twitchy!


As for the market niche, I'm not sure either but the word from the factory is that the order book is filling faster than expected. As a baby 175 it is way smaller for a similar cost, as an upmarket 165 it carries a weight and space penalty. I spent a lot of time at the Show comparing the 165 and Pro Angler and in the end went for the Pro Angler. It will work for me (I hope) as I rarely fish three aboard these days so don't need the extra inches of deck space, some of which is taken up with stuff that'll now live in the cuddy storage anyway. I'm pretty keen to see how much the weight distribution and extra hull rigidity affect the ride, plus there's a few toys to play with like the canopy and the improved bow access. My situation was unusual anyway in that I was trading in through necessity and to spend the cash just to get the same again would not have the right 'feel-good' factor.


Sam, with respect to the motor, the Pro Angler would just about be OK with a 60hp but even the 165 can struggle to get on the plane with a full crew and a 4 stroke 60. Anyway, you can never have too much power available tongue.gif



  • 3 weeks later...
  Bob F said:
When is Lookfar expecting to get his Pro Angler? It'll be interesting to see the boat.

Delivery date is now May 13th cool.gifcool.gifcool.gif


Anyone know if I will be able to change my forum name to that of the new boat (when we pick one) without getting put back to 'minnow basher' status?? sad.gif



  Lookfar said:
Delivery date is now May 13th cool.gifcool.gifcool.gif


Anyone know if I will be able to change my forum name to that of the new boat (when we pick one) without getting put back to 'minnow basher' status?? sad.gif



You will also have to cross palms with silver! wink.gifwink.gif


Should get it sorted by the 2nd June then Steve, I hope! unsure.gif




  • 3 weeks later...
  Bob F said:
When is Lookfar expecting to get his Pro Angler? It'll be interesting to see the boat.



Hi Bob,

Delivery squeaked through on the 13th with the factory still prepping the other boat to go out as we arrived for ours.

Looks like Mrs M will do the honours with the champage (actually a bit of honey, to be exact) on Sunday or Monday if we can beat our way through the hordes of grockles on the Eastney slip (and there's any parking spaces left for the trailer). Doubt she'll let me fish though, just a scenic tour of the flattest water we can find. I've a 2-day event out of Langstone the weekend after then I'll post some first impressions. If you guys do a tope run to Selsey in June I'll try and get down to that as well.

Tom, I've not forgotten the tope offer. There's a ridiculous number of Warrior's using Eastney now, if I don't have a crew space I can try and get you on with one of them.




Hi Steve


Good luck if you manage to get out over the week-end. rolleyes.gif


See you for the following week-end. biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


When you have had a chance to get to know how Sea Mouse behaves I would love to get a report from you about the boat and any electronics that you might have replaced for my web site.


See you soon




  Codfather said:
When you have had a chance to get to know how Sea Mouse behaves I would love to get a report from you about the boat and any electronics that you might have replaced for my web site.

Hi Dave,

I'll hold off until I've used her a bit, then send you a report.



I have at last got her afloat. Mrs M came down to Eastney with me on saturday despite a less than ideal forecast. It wasn't so bad out at sea for travelling but I'd not have bet on breakfast staying down if we'd stopped and drifted for any time.


I backed the trim tabs off to minimum settings to try and get a feel for how the Pro Angler differs to the 165, but maybe I'll have to tie them up completely. Basically, its just not the same boat at all. Completely, utterly, different handling. Almost no bow lift at all as you come up onto the plane, she just sort of slides her rear end up. Not very tilt sensitive, the bows just stayed down though I was running at no more than 15 knots into a head sea most of the time. Much less slamming, which you'd expect, but again I was being very gentle.

All good so far, a staggering improvement. Coming back, I was running along and across some reasonably large rollers. Lookfar would alway misbehave a little on a beam sea as she dropped off the crest but the Pro Angler was downright twitchy, it felt like the stern was stepping out and sliding. Time will tell, that might be the trim tabs or just the conditions on the day.


I'm trying to get down for about 5pm on friday and we'll be heading out for mackerel for saturday's chum bucket. You're welcome to come out and have a run in her if we've time after the serious business of the mackerel-collecting.




Hi Steve


If she is "stepping out" in a following sea, this is where you probably need to raise the bow a little. Either bring the tabs right up or carry extra weight, like your live bait tank etc in the stern.

Where she is (from your description) quite bow down, what is happening is the bow is being carried by the wave as you drop off the crest and creating drag at the front. The resulting effect is the back will try and overtake.


You can pretty much counter this by lifting the bow quite a bit. The resulting effect will be that the back of the boat stays in the water much more than the front and so the drag is at the back. This will allow for the boat to surf comfortably with the sea and should all but eliminate the broaching effect (stepping out).


The opposite applies in a head sea. The bow down presents the vee of the boat to the waves rather than a flatter spot halfway down the boat. This effect stops the boat from taking off quite so much as you go up the ramp of a wave and coming down with a bang.


As you have explained. every boat is different, but the above rules apply for most boats and a bit of tweaking should find a comfortable position in most seas.


Bow up a little for following sea

Bow down a little for head sea




Cheers Tom, I'll give that a go. Going to tie the trim tabs up at some point to take them out of the equation but it'll have to wait until I can fabricate a decent solid lock bracket. Can't risk just one side one coming free at speed, I think the effect might be quite dramatic!



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