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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Looks on the bow all the way Kam - 27/28th on the other hand look perfect so maybe there will be a bit of a timing change over the next week...........


Hi Dick


No need to give too much detail, but are we talking Schole, South or Casquets or "AN Other"?


Mark at Alderney Angling gave me some info the other day, but all the help I can get will be good as I will be over on my own boat the same time as the rest of teh guys are coming over with Chris C.


Please PM if you would rather not publish on the forum.





im so jealous just as you set sail i will be opening a text book and trying to revise whilst looking out the window at blue skys and no wind weep.gifweep.gif


good luck and hope you catch plenty



im so jealous just as you set sail i will be opening a text book and trying to revise whilst looking out the window at blue skys and no wind weep.gifweep.gif


good luck and hope you catch plenty





You have all your life to go fishing m8 but only 1 chance at your exams.

I'll try not to make you to jealous with reports of monster Turbot n Brill tongue.gif


Be lucky




I have a GPS card for the laptop this year - so can stream live online pictures straight from the Island onto here for you all to salivate over!!!! laugh.giflaugh.gif


now Adam - whilst a GPS card may let your laptop know where it is ....................?


GRPS maybe?


catch 22 though - if you are catching enough to stream you are catching to many to mess around with a video camera and data services!


like Sam's vision a lot - sunny calm etc etc


Keep us all posted


Its hard work being at home wondering how our mates in the islands are getting on


very tight lines to you all


Have a great trip and put some back for next time.


Who knows next year we may be able to bring the boat accross


charlie biggrin.gif




Some of us , in our 50s, are still waiting for a chance to be able to go on trips like this ........... but have to work ....... and confined to ' school holidays' for our outings!


I'm sure you'll get a job that allows you to fit in plenty of fishing ...........


.......... but then ...... when family arrive.......!!!!!!!!!


Good luck with forthcoming exams ......... 95 % preparation. etc. etc.




PS. If you want any help revising.......... or tutorial help with 'Science'.......... just PM me.


Sam, some of us in our forties wish they too sat exams at school!!! I was far too busy bunking of to go fishing..........Listen to Martins wise words, I'm pretty sure they will echo mum and dads advice too...........everything comes to he who waits!




PS...................I'll try and nab a big flattie for you wink.gif


some might swap the whole holiday package willingly Alun........but in tis case I will shed a )brief) tear for you if the weather and fishing go well............... unsure.gif


Sam, enjoy your school life while you can, go for the good time, chase the girls, run around like a headless chicken for a bit, because once you grow up, pressure of work, money, relationship, all come crashing down ....... oh god, I sound like an old man already. laugh.gif


kam im not saying im not enjoying it i love school no problems at all to worry about i just wish my exams were a month later so i could come fishing laugh.giflaugh.gif





Or , Sam, in our case, a few weeks later, in half term.


But........... never mind.......... in a few years time, I'll be retiring and go when weather suits.........


........and , perhaps, the bass fishing will be even better , if the Bass Plan gets acted on ???






Why not make it a competition with Dad - you do really well, he'll be chuffed, and you can name your prize !, do badly, and its the antifouling for evermore !



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