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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Forecast looked good, so days of confirmed, Gordon and I slipped BW at 6.45am into a still Weymouth harbour.


Poking our nose out of the entrance we were greeted by a nasty chilly easterly, with a short sharp 3/4' chop... sick.gif and only managing about 8 knots max - 'wouldnt have taken the day off if we'd known about this we said'....


On reaching the banks it had mellowed a little, but still grey and chilly. The first wreck held lots of promise from previous weeks, and after a few plucks on the first drift I hit a reasonable pollock, 2nd time around. It was then hard going - with the odd tentative knock and bite - the fish were very hard to hit - and it stayed like this all day - we put it down to the easterly wind and / or the tiny tides?


The took 6 fish in total, before it became really crap - we then shot off to the banks to drown the fresh fat rag we had. The radio was very quiet and from what we did hear - the bank is still fishing terrible sad.gif After an hour of drifting in the small tide our worms remained untouched dry.gifmad.gif


We had a decision to make - and luckily it turned out to be the correct one! Bows pointed south, plenty of fuel in the tanks and off we went - sea now flattened, wind and what was left of the tide up our chuff and a nice 18 knot cruise - soon found us hunting a new lump of steel. It wasnt too hard to find, but somewhat off the numbers I had. A real beast of a wreck - I reckon on 200' long and at least 80' - excluding the bits at the edges - in deep water too - 290'!! ohmy.gif


First two drifts - nowt, so changed to a stormy. Next drift a few plucks, but no contact - then third time lucky - bang!! and what a bang it was - streaming line back to the depths I had a real fight on my hands - confirmed when a cracking pollock hit the surface - 12lb!! Beauty!! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


The tide now slackened - but we continued to fish - hard work, still the odd pluck but no connections, and then bang - in again, good fight, could be a cod - then the hook falls out! Gutted. The shad had been torn in two - maybe the cod's teeth?


The tide was now down to just 0.5 knots and I was knackered from the morning gilling, so wound in and put the kettle on. Gordon continued to fish - determined as ever - still fishless on wreck no.2.


Then it happened - a good fish was on and a lively fight ensued - deep down 30' under the boat we saw a huge shape appear - a massive pollcok maybe?? but no! This one was sandu coloured! A bloody massive cod!!! ohmy.gifohmy.gifbiggrin.gif


What a result for Gordon - he deserved it! 17lb was the lowest scales weight on the boat - a lovely spring cod!


Unfortunalty the sport was even harder on the ebb, and despite the odd pluck and pull that was it. A smooth, fast steam home in the lovely warm weather saw us back on the drive for 5pm! Phew! biggrin.gif


Another good day all in! Hope it's as good sunday.....






And I am now bloated. Me and the FPO manged to finish off a side between us, in batter with chips and peas. biggrin.gif


It came on a 10lb class rod with a Shimano 400. Lovely fight, taking line for several minutes.


Another good day on BW biggrin.gif


Well done to you both. smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif


Seems the day off work was worth while.


You will be after that bigger boat now Adam to search those more distance wrecks.


Well done again biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif





Well done chaps !


Seems like you know the spots to go.


I'm going to give it a go tomorrow, on my tod , in the little boat , if sea is calm enough [ forecast looks good].


Probably will stick on the Shambles , unless one of you can tell me where to get the pollack from ???


Have a good day Sunday ........... looks like it's going to be flat, if a little damp.






Excellent report Adam, two great fish, nice one.


On a sadder note, Colin Penny, our skipper for yesterday, reported a local boat had been netting two good inshore wrecks last week, possibly the cause of your crap spell earlier?? Apparently these wrecks are usually untouched by trawers, but not this plonker!!


Not many boats out yesterday, so not much info gleaned for Sundays comp. I'll write up our day out under Gordons post.




That's not good rich mad.gif


reports of fish soon get around and the netters start to work anywhere they can get their gear around


result is that fish stocks are clobbered by nets




That's true Pete


I don't know any wreck that deep this side of the Hurds....?


The water this side is all around 200ish'


Makes me feel better, couldn't have been duff numbers from me! biggrin.gif



Still a cracking Cod!

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