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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Has anyone else received an email proporting to come from PBSBAC offering to forward communications to their mailbox ??


I inadvertently opened this [ being in a rush at work ] and out pops a Trojan virus ; this was seized by the Anti - virus system but has left my access screwed up in a tangle so that, at present, means I can't get to this site!


When I got home and tried again, the Trojan pops up as soon as I click on pbsbac and then gets deleted by my Mc Afee Security. All seems to be well at home; will try again at work tomorrow and see what happens there.




Exactly the same for me, but I think my work PC is buggered for use with PBSBAC.


It doesn't "seem" to have effected any other part of my PC, just access to here.


Home PC caught it and chucked it out and all seems well here, but was silly enough to open the email believing that webmaster@pbsbac.co.uk was legit!






The web site is fixed ( for now ) - I am working on beefing up the security, so beware in next couple of days as they could have another go at the site.


I recommend AVG Free for those without virus scanners. ( using a PC on the internet is akin to driving without brakes ... )




AVG link


PS: I was going to post a link to the executable - but I wouldnt trust this myself !



Thanks Paul


I thought I had decent AV software on the work PC as it sometimes launches into a virus check, but I tried to find it this afternoon and it appears to have vanished.

Don't think this is virus related, more me trying to clean up my computer and "losing it somewhere".


We'll try tomorrow!




Forgot to mention. The e-mail DID NOT get sent by any "legitimate" means from this site.


If you receive any e-mails which claim to come from this site and link to some obscure URL which has nothing to do with this site, then for sure they will be bogus.




This is a good example of why I won't have my email address on here...........pm's work fine and club members have it available but it's too dangerous on boards

Well my e-mail is on here but if I was sent a virus laden mail, then the virus protection deleted it without even letting me know. rolleyes.gif



Same here, I received no email or nasties but then I do try and keep up with antivirus and firewall protection updates.


Everyone who surf's the web you must have up to date computer and email protection. There are several free software downloads that do a good job.




Was reading an article a few months ago. They connected a brand new PC to the WWW - without ANY virus protection to see what would happen.....5 mins is all it lasted - it was then so knackered it required a complete system re-install to clean it up! ohmy.gifohmy.gifohmy.gif


Like Martin and others I always keep the sortware bang up to date.



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