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Hi all


I have been reviewing the measures I take to keep my boat safe out of the hands of others huh.gif


I used to just have a wheel clamp of the type caravanners tend to use, you know the big yellow things smile.gif . Then our friend mr Trevett had his boat nicked, mad.gif the toe-rags just ripped the boot off and drove the whole rig away. Paranoia then set in and I started looking at the measures I took.


I now have these measures in place:


The big yellow boot still clamping the wheels

A tow hitch lock, the barrel kind that the hitch manufacturers fit to the hitch

And now a bulldog hitch lock that fits over the complete hitch

I also park my van in front of the rig at night so to pinch the boat they must first pinch the van which is of course immobolised and belled up.


Is this as safe as it can be made?

Is there anything else a self respecting trailer boater can do to deter unwanted attention?

What security do you have?


I feel its getting to the point where the locks and security measures I take cost nearly as much as the boat biggrin.gif




I think at the end of the day - if they wanna nick it they will. - Regardless.


The only thing we can do is try to deter.


I have the hitch clamp. This stops then hitching it up and towing it away.


I also have the wheel thingy, and an considering a hard point to chain it to. May concrete a big steel post into the ground and shackle it to that.


My main outboard it bolted and locked into the transom, and the aux. has a wicked looking S/S barrel lockover the clamps. This has seized and I cant even do it with the key!


Will be interesting to hear others views though.




Most insurance policies I have seen insist that the outboard has a lock across the mounting bolts. Both and main and aux motors.


Of course this doesn't help when the BassTurds chainsaw through the hull to get your engine off, but at least you will be properly insured.


There was a spate of vandals slashing tyres on the trailers at Baiter last year, so always remember to have at least one, but preferably two, spare wheels with you,

which you store in the back of your car (not on the trailer of course!!).


The problem with all these measures is that is takes 2-3 hrs just to unlock everything!! wink.gif


Bob F.


The 'lump' in the ground is an anchor, they are relatively cheap. Try motorbikes sites, since it is what I use for my motorbike, plus an insurance approved bike chain + lock to the trailer, very difficult to pinch.


If I had an attractive boat on a newish trailer that I kept on an area by my house I would -


1. Get a length of serious chain (links measured in inches not mm!) - sort of stuff lying around everywhere in Poole - about 5 metres long and paint 3 meters a nice bright colour

2. Concerete a good length of the chain into the ground under the trailers main axle with around 3 meters clear

3. Chubb battleship or equivalent padlock

4. Park boat over chain and lock around main axle


It won't cost a fortune and will deter anyone that can be deterred.


Also spec it, photo it and check in with your insurers - they should be happy if the lock is serious enough.


I have never been allowed to keep a boat at home for more than a couple of weeks - and we are a long way from water.

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