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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Decided on a crack at the Bass with Mark B yesterday, so an early start was in order to nab the last hour or so of the tide. Meeting up with Rocky at 0600, the boat was ready on the back of the towing vehicle ready to move. The road to Weymouth was still pretty empty at this time, so we made good progress, and met up with BB to grab a few bits and bobs before the launch. Enticer slipped in quickly, these roller coaster trailers make life a doddle, I nipped over to Asda, parked the car, grabbed some scoff for luncheon, tore back to the quay to find Mark chomping at the bit to get out there.


We made reasonable time out to the chosen killing ground, and began to gather our bait. Mark set Enticer up for the first drift, in amoungst the small group of Commercials already earning their legitimate crust. The bites came immediately, with small nabs at the bait, although we didnt hook up on this the first drift. Set up again, same line, and BANG, straight into a what felt like a locomotive on steroids!! Slightly disapointed with the size of this fish, off again for another crack. This time, a double hook, my rod buckling under the pressure from a good fish, stripping line from the Penn 975 I'd borrowed from BB. After three searing runs, I got the fish to the surface, and it was a netter, I waited for Mark to swing his fish in, then he netted mine. What an awesome sight!!! Two fat Bass sat in the bottom of the boat, unhooked, into the fish bos, and Mark steamed up for a third drift, while I wasted no time in rebaiting. This time, Mark's bait was whacked in the fasion only a well conditioned Bass can! Line screaming off his ABU 7000, rod tip bouncing under the starin from another decent fish. This fish gave an excellent account of itself, making two more very positive runs, before succombing to the pressure from mighty Rocky!! I netted this fish, and round again for the next drift, again a double hook up, my take coming immediately as the bait hit sea bed. Marks fish, was another mid sized shoal fish, and to my surprise, following a far less brutish struggle, I pulled up a Pollack. Back again, this drifting lark is fun!! This drift was almost identical to the last, another Bass for Mark, but mine produced a small codling, my first cod for three seasons!! Cheers rocky, netted and safely in the fish box, up for another drift, another double hook up, this time both decent fish. With both rods bouncing away, the fish certainly didnt want to give in, and as soon as they saw the boat, they tore off like formula ones on a practice lap!!


This sport went on for almost three hours, I am amazed just how hard these early fish fight, compared to later summer taken Bass, pound for pound, all I can say is that it was phenominal!!! We kept three fish each, I kept my cod, plenty of smaller fish were returned, much to the dismay of the commercials who seemed to be keeping everything. Even my Pollack went back to fight another day. My best fish went 7lb 4oz, then 7lb 2oz, and 3lb, my cod was 4lb 6oz, Marks fish went 6lb 12 oz, although this fish was the longest of all the larger ones, and he kept two others of 4lb and 3lb 8oz.


A truly fanatstic days sport. the likes of which I havent seen in years. Cheers for a great day Mark, looking forward to our next!!!!!




Enticer is off to a good start this season with some quality fish aboard.

Well done guys- there's nothing like hearing an excited Mark B bellowing his catch report at me during a dull meeting at work huh.gif




Martin, following comments last meeting, I may post in Club members section, re details of the day yesterday. Regulars to the area will know where these fish were taken, and what method they fell to.






Would that be in the harbour to float fished bread ?


PS: Garden is looking well good, I thought I had come home to the wrong house smile.gif



Why do people always keep the largest fish and put the smaller ones back in the umberella of conservation does not seem right keeping the breeding fish???not that im a practising conservationist!!! ph34r.gif but i do return fish


Now my fairy Fred.... rolleyes.gif , we are suckers for the disadvantage. By taking the larger fish out, we stop this bunch of murderous no gooders from their rampaging onslaught of the smaller fish, thus giving them a chance to grow and become the murderous rampaging thugs..... unsure.gif I think I've lost the plot somewhere.... ohmy.gif


Why do people always keep the largest fish and put the smaller ones back in the umbrella of conservation



we had a conversation some time ago re what to keep and what to chuck. Eventually of course the whole argument for conservations went full circle but some very interesting views came out. On the back of that came the bass scale collection and recording project which is just starting to get away. Have a look back into last years posts on bass. Rich J.A.W. I think started it or was at least the subject of should I or shouldn't I?


Two major trains of thought........... in the end up to the individual, but in moderation which ever way you look at it I think was the consensus





Fred, to ensure a good demographic size range of fish, for future conservation of fish stocks, it is advisable to not just return one size/age class of fish, if you see the size of fish kept by commercials, its anything above the 37cm MLS, I know they have to earn a crust etc etc, so I dont feel bad about taking a couple of fish for the table. You are talking to a bloke who caught a 13lber which was returned with respect to fight another day, despite the fact that that specific fish was probably far beyond its best breeding days. Studies show that the most succesfull breeders are the fish in the five to six year class, and at the end of this year Wedger and I will post on how our club Bass survey has gone, and post on age /size averages for fish included in this survey.


So long as a form of conservation exists by us anglers, there will be, in theory, fish stocks for the future to enjoy.






You are talking to a bloke who caught a 13lber


Who's zat then?? unsure.gifunsure.gif Surely you cant still be talking about the one you had 4 years ago, that was 12lb... rolleyes.gifbiggrin.gif

You are talking to a bloke who caught a 13lber


Who's zat then?? unsure.gifunsure.gif Surely you cant still be talking about the one you had 4 years ago, that was 12lb... rolleyes.gifbiggrin.gif

It's gotta be 13 1/2, edging 14 lb by now ..... laugh.gif

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