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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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It did me well for a while but it finally died,


on the way back from a fruitless sesson the engine ceased up solid weep.gif and is history


I'll be availble to crew for a while weep.gif




Edited by Paul J
It did me well for a while but it finally died,


on the way back from a fruitless sesson the engine ceased up solid weep.gif and is history


I'll be availble to crew for a while weep.gif




A/ I've got a 4hp aux' Long shaft Yammy if you want to borrow it for a while. It'll be slow but 3 gazzilion miles per tankful?


B/ What's gone? Is a rebuild possible?



Mad Mike




Bad Luck Paul!


At least you got in safely.



I suppose on the positive side it gives the chance to look at one of those nice new engines with power trim and practise all that stuff we did on the training day wink.gif



Better still, I am happy to px your old boat against something nice and shiny wink.gifwink.gifwink.gif


Sorry to hear that Paul - its gutting, I know I was there 2 years ago when BW's gave up one night on the way home - big end went.


Their are some cracking deals around at the moment, just have a look through boats and outboards - I paid over the odds really as I panicked and impulse bought.


Also - make sure you keep the old one and flog it for spares - I belive they sell easily.


You are welcome to come out on BW anytime - in fact Ill call you now!




Cheers Guys, i will be pottering around the harbour with my auxuliary for a while till i get it replaced and yes it will have power tilt!


Cant figure out why it happened, tell tale and fuel mix were fine, but 10 seconds after hearing the noise, (loud rattleing) i shut down and that was it.


Went to Strides on the auxilary to check it out and got the terminal diagnosis.

The painful bit will be getting round the missus unsure.gif




Sorry to hear its now dead Paul sad.gif


but nothing in the marine world can live forever.


On the up side when you get a replacement it will probably be a newer more efficient unit, the boat will finish up going faster and be more economical.



but as you say you have to talk to the missus first

time to test the sweet talk mate wink.gif


Charlie biggrin.gif


Most have been there at some time PJ.............me too................................ sad.gif


Otter needs a minor rep, but you are always welcome when she's ready....... wink.gif









Gutted Paul,It did seem a bit tempermental when you took me out unsure.gif Ive also been there...... A long long time before I was a club member. wink.gif I had to be rescued by the lifeboat ,and have the "tow of shame" up mudeford run , crew clad in space blankets with blue light 's flashing ph34r.gifph34r.gif

your welcome out on DR anytime, Ill give you a shout,I hope the new lump doesn't sting too much!




Hi Paul


Sorry to hear of your engine problem.


Like everyone else you are more than welcome to come out with me and maybe show me how to catch some fish! laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif





Thanks Dave,


Went down today and disconnected everything, then Paul D came along and we got it off the boat.


Paul then had a look and found a small hole in the case, it looks like one of the rods came off and punched a hole in the case. Well at least now we know what happened. unsure.gif


Im now on the hunt, my budget is


All depends on what your after Paul.


I would recommend strongly going for a brand spanker this time with warrenties etc - it gives you a huge piece of mind I must say.


I would think that at 75hp would be a big ask for your budget - you may just find one if you look at the real basic 2 stokes, or go for one of the less popular brands - ie. Tohatsu.


My money would be on a 4 stroke - 50/60hp. I think you will find that this will be plenty for you boat. The 60hp on BW performs nicely, and being as yours is a hell of a lot lighter this should be fine.


Found these few after a quick search:



http://www.boatsandoutboards.co.uk/view/DEA139/ (not new, but cheap)

http://www.billhigham.co.uk/billhighammarine.htm (pretty good mail order - good prices on Tohatsu's and mariner's)


Also it is worth calling around and matching the prices online to those from Select Marine, Holes Bay Marine etc - you may need to factor into the equation fitting and commisioning (which is required to keep the warrenty)




Would recommend going new if you can, purely for the peace of mind and warranty.


A tohtasu wll be worth diddley squat second hand, but f you are keeping the boat for the foreseable future then this would be a really good bet and nice and new will fit in your budget.




Well after a week and a day since my engine died im up and running again! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


I managed to pick up a great deal on a 2006 ETEC 60hp with only 60 hours on it and 2 and a bit years left on the warranty.


The two dodgy blokes in the photo spent all day today with me doing the install and it's perfect!! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif It started first go and runs sweetly in the tank.

many thanks guys for all your hard work and to the rest of you for your kind thoughts and offers of trips during my down period wink.gif


Still got a few mods to do on the Gauges and stuff but im ready for the sea trail tomorrow and hope to get airbourne! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


im one very happy chappy- now off to play with my power tilt blink.gif





Phew - I saw the heaidng "My engines dead" and thought perhaps your new one didnt start.


Marineboy is going to fly with that motor and you have got yourself a real bargain IMHO.




Great news Paul biggrin.gif


I'm off for a morning diagnotic trip on the morrow unsure.gif . If we find out what we need to, we may chase a few fish as well smile.gif .





The Sea trial went well and boy does it Fly


must get everything strapped down, i nearly lost my new club flag as i snapped the tie wraps while in flight.


I have to learn how to handle the boat all over again as it's now a different animal completley.


Nice afternoon out to Boscombe pier and back and i still had fuel left!


PJ biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


Sounds like Marineboy is indeed flying. What speed did you manage ( I am betting on it being capable of 30 knots ).


E-Tec club now growing.


What were your impressions with the engine then ?






Great news Paul



I expect you thought your season was lost, and everything is up and running in less than a fortnight


Well Done


I hope the new engine gets the boats speed and economy to what you hoped for, I am sure it will.


when I re engined my dory many years ago the bigger new engine gave the boat more speed and used less fuel than the old unit that had to run flat out to get the boat on the plane.


All done within budget as well, nice one [better than I am doing on that score wink.gif ]


My new engine arrived on Friday biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif , now I have to get it into the garage, ready to fit as soon as the boat is organised and prepared.

Does anyone have access to a hyab??




Enjoy the test trips

Charlie biggrin.gif

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