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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Surely it's also the skipper's shout as to what is allow onboard and what isn't! huh.gif


When we went skating with Keggie in Scotland we were told they are not on the menu (literally.... smile.gif ) to be taken away. Isn't it also the case with Chris Caines regarding congers? I think Colin Penny limits it to one conger per angler if they want to take one for the pot.


Just a short note to thank the members of PBSBAC for taking time to make mainly constructive comments concerning the capture of the shark from my boat on Tuesday. I realise that most of the comments, although criticising me at times, are well meaning in the name of conversation so I welcome the debate on this subject. In reponse to your postings and to the many other comments that I have heard, I have now added a full version of my account of the event on my website. See July 06 reports at http://www.boatfishingreports.com. Hopefully once read, it will bring the matter to a close. Many thanks to Martin for allowing me to post on your forum.


Steve Porter


Hi Steve


Firstly welcome to our clubs forum. You are more than welcome to visit us and take part in discussions/threads whenever you like.


Secondly thanks for taking the time to put the full story to us. It's good to get it straight from the horses mouth so to speak. Your account of what happened just goes to show how circumstances can take over a situation, one that any of us could have found ourselves in. It appears that the only thing that was done wrong was for the anglers trying to gain fame through press coverage, which they certainly succeeded in getting albeit bad from an angling point of view


For those with fat thumbs go directly to Steves report by following this link

Steves report


Take care Steve and thanks again




Well said Steve.

Well worded report on your site and at least you have been able to put the facts forward.


It's a shame that it erupted before you had a chance to do so.

Maybe we can all learn not to judge someone until we have heard the full story.



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