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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Perspex yellows quickly in sunlight, go to your local glazing firm they will have something better. Or ask Adam, he replaced Blue Warrior's window with caebon wotsit last year, but they are quite dear.


Local? Let your fingers do the walking, yellow pages. I called a place in Southbourne.


or, like I did - try ebay. I emailed a seller who did me a special buy it now for cut to size pieces, I then just trimmed them up.


I used 5mm Lexan - this is better then glass, lighter, stronger and scratch resistant - I did all of BW's windows for about

Local? Let your fingers do the walking, yellow pages. I called a place in Southbourne.


or, like I did - try ebay. I emailed a seller who did me a special buy it now for cut to size pieces, I then just trimmed them up.


I used 5mm Lexan - this is better then glass, lighter, stronger and scratch resistant - I did all of BW's windows for about


O' course it could be a simple name for one of the above but I got plexiglass for my Wilson some time ago. I believe oft' used for replacement side windows for tractors etc. Ya could try one of the larger agricutural suppliers.

Also worth a search back as I posted something on this quite a while ago.


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