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When my new plotter arrives next week I will obviously have to fit it. My problem is that on my S/S fly bridge at the moment is 3 horizontal plates which span the two bars. On these are mounted: VHF ariel, white steaming light and my GPS ariel. I will need to also put my Plotter arial some where. Now call me a tart, but if I mount it on the rail, it will be out of line from the others. So what I need is someone to come round and weld me a 4" x 2" section of 2/3mm S/S onto my bridge.


Is this possible? Is it going to cost me a fortune? Do any of you out there have this skill to help me out?




Being a little fussy are we!!!


Still if you are doing a job might as well get it right.


The chap at Haywood technical Dee Way has a mobile kit. I have his number at work

If you want it call me on Monday.


When I fitted my new plotter ariel, I removed an old one as it looked a bit to fussy having three and only using 2.


The plate was clamped to a SS upright, you are welcome to make use of it while you await modifications if you wish.


Charlie biggrin.gif


The GPS is a Furuno unit, and the Plotter is Garmin - hence the 2 ariels.


I know I am being fussy - but Id rather pay a little, wait a little, and get it right.


Charlie - Ill try to remember to give you a call Mon.


Basically if it is going to cost a fortune (more than say


Hi Adam tongue.gif


I hope you have plenty of time on hand to try to thread the coax through the s/s bridge, unless you use cable ties like the rest of us tarts! laugh.gif






ps The GPS and Plotter will have different position readings, which to use?

That is the question! smile9.gif


just a thought , before doing any mods put the second antenna where you want it and power both sets up ,as some antennas do interfere with each other if they are to close together the same with vhf ariels the gps can mess them up to !!!!!!


just connect the NMEA OUT (+ve) from the GPS to the IN on the plotter and go fishing or for a beer instead mounting another ariel and routing another cable etc.


Alternatively sell GPS (thought you didn't have much space on the console anyway?) and put the plotter ariel where the old one was.


Interested in the 'interference' point - surely they are passive systems unless they are using differential beacons?


fgagfaui;gfiwebguiWGFUIGWIH !!!! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifrolleyes.gif


Thats what the last few posts sounded like to me!!! NMEASMME thingying!!!


Ok, I sort of get the idea. Either Dave will very kindly weld me another plate - or I can use either my Furuno/Garmin ariel to run both sets, by connecting the 'slave ste' to the 'master set' - have I got that right????


re - threading cable - all the units on at present are threaded - surely their must be a way?


re - space on the console - I have mounted my GPS 'under the cuddy - 'upsidedown. Just as a back-up unit.


re - Garmin / Furuno using diff readings - what is that - why???????


Basically I like the idea of just 1 Beacon/antenna/ariel - running both sets. Is this easy to do?




re - threading cable - all the units on at present are threaded - surely their must be a way?





Never done one for this, but if it's anything like rewiring cables thru trunking, then it's not too hard.


First is there enough room for an extra cable, physically?


Disconnect one of the cable, tie a strong string/wire to it, pull it thru, tie the new cable to it, pull it back thru. Obviously, it's easier if there's lots more room for the number of cables. However make sure the tie is secured, otherwise it might come off half way.




Another way to get the wires through is use stainless steel welding wire,(I have some if you want it) its stiff enough to push through yet pliable enough to go round corners. The only problem is the tube is narrow with some of the bends a bit tight, can be done but you'll need to be persistent unless your very lucky




not easy to weld the plate on if there are wires run inside, they will melt,the furuno gps should talk to the garmin plotter so the garmin antenna is not required keep it as a spare as it should plug in to the back of the furuno as well quite simple only two wires to connect


But why do you want to keep the Furuno GPS AND the new Garmin Plotter???


Your new Garmin Plotter has a more accurate and up-to-date GPS unit and better display options.


I'd remove the Furuno unit and either use the Furuno aerial or swap it for the Garmin aerial. You might be able to leave the aerial cable in place and just reconnect both ends.


Then there is no need to weld on a new bracket.


Sell the Furuno on eBay. You don't need it. wink.gif

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