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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Well, it seems the fisheries authorities of Guernsey have finally started to impliment what they were talking about earlier this year:




In theory I think I agree the concept is correct - we only need to look at the fisheries in Australia and the US to see how it can work, BUT in this instance I would 1.) Question the motives behind this (is it to improve the fishery for all, or is it to relax the pressure for the commercial fisherman?) and 2.) Are the limits realistic - I for one would seriously have to re-consider my annual trip...






Concept maybe correct but without similar restrictions on 1. commercials and 2 local anglers what would be the point and what would it achieve, answers on a postage stamp please tongue.gif


My point being there is no point restricting one sector so another can take even more from a fishery.


I would quite happily return all the fish I catch so long as could see that any imposed restrictions were equitable for all interested parties.


I would not visit the CI's under this kind of restriction unless there were similar rules in place for all stakeholders. I would object to being treated as a second class citizen and the only way I could object would be to not go.


Perhaps we should send in a response as individual's and another as a club?




Yes it might only apply to chartered vessel, but what is the percentage of private angling boat going over to the CI? Plus a good percentage of those must sleep in their boat, unlike the chartered parties which spend around


I think that a joint letter from the club would be a great idea - whatever we can do to support the cause and the south coast skippers.


The bottom line from myself who has organised the last three club trips is that we will simply revert to splitting between private club boats and still going, still taking numbers of fish, but the skippers this side of the channel will suffer, either that or no ones goes and everyone bar the commercial boats loose out.

Posted (edited)

Not sure how the proposed constraint will impact French fishing vessels, or British vessels temporarily staying in French harbours, as we did for a couple of days.


I mention this because we returned to the UK from Dielette, around 10 miles South of Cap de la Hague. The outer harbour has good shelter, and nearly full tide access - for small boats with shallow draught, probably no restriction. Picture below shows it at low springs, with the large slipway. The headland in the picture is just South of Cap de la Hague.


The true outer harbour (not shown here) is off to the right over a sand sill, with walk ashore access. A retaining wall beyond it, keeps water in the marina, and dries 5.0m. Tides are huge here, rising a foot every 10 minutes at peak springs.


It would be fairly easy to fish the Alderney Race banks from Dielette, and no need to play with the Alderney Race or Swinge either....


Just a thought....




Edited by Mike Fox

I would have thought a more realistic bag limit would be a certain number of fish per person, per day. This would, I imagine, be more acceptable than 2 fish per person, irrespective of the number of days spent fishing. Surely the proposed legislation would only discourage visiting anglers from spending too much time in the area, thus reducing income to the Bailliwick. It would also, as mentioned previously, discourage some people from going at all.


So here's a another view.


I don't see too much wrong in the proposal, a part from not having the same restrictions on private boats. The same restrictions should apply to both Charter and Private boats.


In my opinion, no body should need to take more more two of the mentioned species each if it is truely for their own private use.


Regarding the Commerical sector. as mentioned in the proposal, the exisiting Baliwick Commercial Fleet is licensed and therefore there are already restrictions on the number of commercial vessels that can fish the waters and the amount of fish they can retain. All the catches are recorded, and so presumably the restrictions imposed on the Commercial fleet have been set at levels that the region can support. They've been doing a pretty good job of this over the years because the catches over there have always been good.


As I see it, assuming that the Commercial sector has not increased over recent years, the sustainability of the region now being impacted by a large increase in Charter and Private fishing.


The proposal is not asking for a ban on Charter fishing, but is trying to put some sensible limits on what should be taken so that the region remains self sustaining, and so the profusion of species remains for many years to come.


We spend


I think they are proposing that all fish in ports regardless where it was caught, so if you caught 2 cods and 2 bass wrecking on the way over, and they will count as the toatl catch.


Tom brings up an interesting point.


Here's a general question to everyone.


What would make a satisfactory trip to Alderney for you?


Is it to catch enough fish to bring back home to cover all or a substantial part of your costs (e.g.


Another question be help me understand this...


If the Commercial sector is already properly licensed and managed with recorded catches and quotas, how is this propoal going to help them other than allowing them to maintain the catches that they have in the past?


The proposal is not allowing them to catch more, is it? It's purpose is to allow them to maintain their quotas to be able to feed the public, but at the same time maintain enough fish in the region to satisfy the sporting anglers.






I don't think anyone on here would dsipute the need for conservation but it has to be equitable.


One other thing that worries me is when we were in Alderney earlier this year our boat was boarded by a fisheries protection vessel. When quizzed the officer stated that they were not worried about the flat fish stocks so what are they worried about? Could it just be that a well off commercial fisherman who knows what strings to pull is stirring this to take minds from other issues. Also, read the full letter especially about the amount of bass the commercials take on rod and line in a specific 10-week period, do you still think this is conservation driven? I don


I personally think an equal playfield is essential.


1) If I go fishing with a Guernsey Chartered boat, I can catch as much as I can and take home as much as my car can carry back on Condor. If I was to go with say Tiger Lilly, I can catch 2 turbots. Is it fair? Does the income tax from a Guernsey Chartered boat smells better than a Guernsey B+B?


2) 2 turbots over 5 days is low, when I went over there for 3 days I brought back 2 turbots and they lasted a week. Don't forget if you are staying for 5 days, the fish you take for the table while you're htere would count toward the total numbers.


As Martin said, we are not 2nd class citizens, and I have no intention of being treated as one.


I agree. If the proposal is truely for conservation purposes, the same should apply to the local charter boats.


But I have to ask, what is the purpose having licenses for the local charter boats? Is it so that the authorities can keep a handle on the number of charter boats that fish the region? What is the purpose of restricting the number of licenses that are issued? Has this anything to do with protecting fish stocks?


It makes you wonder who has initiated this proposal. Is it the commercial boys or is it the local charter boats, too...are they seeing their business declining because of competition from "non-licensed" boats? I'm not sure how I would feel if I was a local charter skipper and saw a lot of business going to boats from across the channel. Or am I going down the wrong street here, and they all get along well?


Martin, you mention the reference to Rod and Line catches. Is this commercial catches or recreational in the Boue Blondel region (wherever that is). I interpreted it as a region that has licensed recreational angling where the catches are recorded some how. It compares its catches to the commercial sector in the same region.


And what was the Fisheries Protection Boat looking for when they boarded your vessel? Perhaps they were satisfiying themselves that the catches being kept were in line with "recreational angling" needs, and were "not for the financial benefit of the skipper or the angler."


Something obviously needs to be done in the region. As I see it at the moment, they either apply the same catch limit on all charter and private vessels, or they restrict the number of visiting charter boats by issuing licenses to them, too.




Personally, I think the restrictions are being looked for due to some boats returning with not insignificant catches of high value fish ( in particular turbot ).


You only have to search out pictures on the net to see why.....





I agree with it in principle but i think the estimates of our catches must be inaccurrate.


out of four trips, i only had one decent catch report, hardly the prolific fishing haven it's reputed to be.


2 fish per day is acceptable, 2 fish a trip no matter how long spells the end for me.


Shame really, perhaps i'll visit again in 10 years when it's a ghost town.






Boats on this side of the pond can be licensed if they wish. All it entitles them to do is sell fish ie their boat would be classed as a commercial boat.


With reference to how Weymouth and CI boats get on it would appear well. One of the Guernsey boats even got us some eels. So it would appear the commercial lobby are the ones with an issue and in particularly Guernsey commercials.


The rod and line catches of bass referred to were caught by commercial effort on one mark which is difficult to net.


The fisheries protection guys came aboard for a chat and were looking for feedback (which they got from us blink.gif ) they never even looked in the fish hold.


What really annoys me most is they are proposing to include all fish caught, even those that are caught outside their waters ie if its on the boat they would assume you got them within their area. The fish caught on the way over are more likely to be low value table fish such as Pollock caught on mid channel wrecks.


Paul, you could be right and it


Another interesting thread.


It all seems a bit one sided to me.


I can see Bob's point that its good to see some restrictions coming in to protect stock but I must agree with Martin and others that it must be a level playing field.


If the CI commercials need quota's as tight as these then they must be on a fish per day basis and they must apply to all.


the fish per day issue is simple, an overnight stay in the islands would easily be recorded by invoices for accomadation mooring eating ashore etc as evidence


I am looking forward to visiting the islands next year on the new boat, but will not be treated as a second class citizen while I am there.


I never overload the fish hold on the boat so it is just the principak that matters


Charlie biggrin.gif

Posted (edited)

Well so much for the conservion brigade i would have thought any form of conservation would be a move in the right direction even if it is a bit one sided. It now seems if you cant keep more than two fish of each species why should any body else!! you should just find it a pleasure just fishing there , if you want to keep shed loads of fish stay local its cheaper and your allowed to keep 25kg of fish a day per person. ph34r.gif

Edited by crazy fred

It now seems if you cant keep more than two fish of each species why should any body else!! you should just find it a pleasure just fishing there



Spot on Fred, it should be for the fun of it, not to cover the cost of the trip by filling up the fish locker.


Nice non slip decking by the way, the same swimming pool mat I tried to give away previously without success. Can't believe it all had to go down the tip and on the floor of my garage.


Gordon H









I think you have missed the point. Speaking for myself I am not against the idea of bag limits in fact I rarely keep fish unlike some who I must say are quite entitled to keep fish for their OWN consumption. What I am against is commercials (or anybody else for that matter) who think they have a god given right to anything that swims and think others have no right, that just about sums up the attitude of some.


What would be the point in limiting mainland charter anglers just so someone else can come along and take what


Because I was at work I did not read the clip before I read the posts on this thread


But it still seems very heavy handed of Guernsey to lay claim to limit fish retained on boats within their 12 mile line "wherever they are caught" and stupid to ban returning fish alive "to stop anglers trying and catch bigger fish later".


If I was on a trip to the islands and I wanted a table fish, does that mean I am not allowed to return any untill I have killed two???? or have i read it wrong.



What about those anglers that return quality breeding size fish [ Rich JAW] and retain a couple of smaller table fish later in the trip. How do the authorities think that will help the fish stocks?????????


Charlie sad.gif


The discard conception is down to the integrity of the skippers who would i hope not go down that road. I have no argument about channel islanders looking after thier fishery for there future even if it does mean they keep a larger part of the quota than visiting boats, its a bit like letting 50 imigrants run round poole for the summer operating fish and chip vans taking the best of it and going home for the winter ph34r.gif

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