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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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I'm planning on taking my little boat over to Weymouth on Sat. with a view to tripping out to the Shambles bank [ weather permitting - forecast looks good !]


Neap tide, light airs ..... any tips ?????


I expect there'll be several boats in the area to aim for !! Slowed drifting [ tripped anchor / extra chain] is what I've picked up from your comments here; not so sure about the necklaces of beads though.


Are we talking about light fishing with a couple of ozs. or a bit more beefy ??


Is the tide flow / direction important??


As you can see, I'm a complete novice here....... but can learn quickly !!


Plan to go out with an old friend who lives in weymouth ....... but he is fishingly naive..... and looking to me for direction !!


Any tips gladly received........ esp. from you successful plaice & turbot bashers!


Cheers, Alun.




When little or no tide, obviously no need to drag a weight. As the tide strengths - then is the time to use it. We find that drfiting unaided to about 1.5 knots is fine, once the tide reaches 2 knts - then over goes the weight - control the spped of your dift by the amout of rope you let out.


Tackle: Either an uptider, or a 12lb downtider is best. Traces need be no heavier than 25lb - can go lighter. Hooks - well, Plaice I use about a 2/0 - 3/0 - for the turbot 4/0. Weights. Dependant on tide anything from 3/4oz to 8oz. Braided mainline is helpful. Beads, spoons, boobies ets - all personal pref - do they make any diff???


The trick is to establish the direction of drift, then set your boat at the top of the tide - drifting with the tide back along the banks. The turbot often hit the baits on the top if the edge of the bank - beware!.


Baits: Rag with mackeral/squid for the plaice. Turbot - stinky mackeral. Decent sized fillet.


Hope the weather is fine for you.


PS: Finish the day with half an hour drifting the Hood. Great fun! - Mark B will direct you to it.



................. once the tide reaches 2 knts - then over goes the weight - control the spped of your dift by the amout of rope you let out.......

Wouldn't the boat be anchored once it's hooked into something?! Do we motor the boat uptide then let it drift back, repeat each time it becomes anchored again?

tongue.giftongue.gif Don,t use the anchor as a drag newboy, take a weight about 10-20 lbs depending on boat size. As Adam says, if your drift goes up to or over 2 knots drop the weight over and let out rope until you get the required speed. If you hit Plaice then bang the MOB button as they often shoal together. I am hopefully out with Paul J and Loyal Royal on Saturday so see ya there. Good luck BB cool.gif

These weights..... they wouldn't be a lump of lead (about size of a grapefruit) with a ring on top, would it?


I found one in my boat and chucked it away ............. weep.gif




That would have done nicely.


I actually use a fold up anchor and a load of chain, the anchor is dragged by the bottom so it wont take hold. This does me until I find something more suitable


Where did you throw the lead greapefuit? I could do with that biggrin.gif



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