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tongue.gif What more could you want in life? Good weather, good company and a few fish to spoil the tranquility. Thanks a bundle guys. By the way, the plaice went 4lb 7ozs this morning and the Pollack went 3lb 5ozs ( looked bigger ). What did yours go Mark? Cannot make the Boat Jumble, my son is still a little poorly so we are staying local just in case. I think your Bream comp is 16th May but I am fishing 15th May out of Poole so will have to play it by ear( Build up some brownie points)


Please forward these details to Charlie for me:



Regards, BB


PS Nice fishing boat Gary, hope you have a good day today on the Banks.(If you can find room mate)


Hi Billy


Paul J informed me that you have paid your dues and I have forwarded your details to Bob Fuller our membership secretary.


I look forward to meeting you during the course of the year.






billy what a great day. weather was perfect cool.gif wasn't it but i am a bit soar now . dry.gif but what a day . the sea was like a mill pond all day but i think the shambles

has been over fished now there must have been 30 to 40 boats there yesterday and probably to day aswell all draging weights behind them what do you think weep.gif . the pollack was 5lb 2oz not a bad fish great fight . sorry i forgot the cups for coffee but we was to busy to drink it anyway i will put them on for next time . i hope you will enjoy eatting that lovely plaice you caught all the best and we sea you when we get back from alderney cheers .


mark b






Billy: I have deleted your details now that Martin has paased them to Bob. Probably best not to have your personal details on such a public place as this.


Welcome to the club! biggrin.gif


tongue.gif Thank you Maverick, I,m sure the pleasure will be all mine mate. Glad to come aboard. Thanks Adam, got a hangover mate? Gonna try and make the Bream comp but have an EFSA two dayer the following weekend in Plymouth as well as Poole on 15th. Could be pushing my luck. Mark, I will let you know this week about the comp. I have the secret Bream bait in my freezer so if I can,t make it I will let you have it mate. Regards to you all, BB cool.gif


PS. If I don,t see you before, have a cracker in the Channel Islands lads. If you are stuck parking wise let me know because you could park where I live and I can ferry you in. Its only a mile out of Weymouth so it will be no problem.

tongue.gif Yes Mark, you are spot on regarding the amount of boats affecting the fishing. When you get a new wave of fish its OK for a while but they soon get shifted off the banks. Thats why the surrounding areas are starting to fish better now. Will try to get some marks for you this week but it may be better to wait until after your jolly to C.I. The fish will have filled out on the mussels and have eat me written in orange spots on their backs. By the way, do you have to fill in some sort of docket to register my Plaice, new boy on the block so I am not sure yet. 4lb 7 ozs the next day isn,t bad is it mate? Your pollack was a nice size mate, Great seeing your face light up when that hit.( Or was that the sunburn?) Been thinking about that episode and have got it sussed how we can fish it dead right. BB cool.gif

Hi Billy


You can submit your fish via the link on the front page of our main site, this goes directly to Charlie Chapman our fish recorder. Alternatively you could phone Charlie to register your fish. The committee members contact details are in the new member pack I sent you.


I will email you a membership list so you have all the contact details of the club members.








Welcome on board.


Nice to speak to you on Friday before the trip.

and I recieved the report on email so your plaice is in the fish log.


well done

Charlie biggrin.gif

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