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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Am I just being picky and cynical, but having just picked up this months BFM, isnt it going the same direction as the other big two sea fishing monthlies??


Who really wants to read about editors larging it in the sun with their girlfriends?? Surely this aspect of fishing in the sunshine has been covered before, before that, and possibly beofre that??


Do we want to see another picture of Ray Barons cod set up?? One third of this months edition is put over to advertising, very similar to SA and TSF. I appreciate that its the advertisers who fund these mags, but at three quid an issue full of adverts, I can see why I have stopped buying these mags monthly.


On the plus side, there are a couple of interesting articles, but you can visit different sites on the net and get the same, if not better reports on subjects like Kayaking, for example, without shelling out three squid. Zippy's and Specimans write ups are superb on their forum, and with plenty going on, here on our own site, one has to ask if the glossies days are numberred.






Competely agree. One of the reasons I bought BFM in the past was that it was different to the others - sure it didnt have the high gloss, massive budget feel of SA, but the articles were wrtitten by a range of people, all anglers who had somehting constructive to say...


I now feel that the articles are manufactured to fit in with marketing strategies - ' its Dec - lets have a 'how to catch a 20lb cod' article....etc...


Jim did a superb job with the mag, but I cant help feeling that since it has been handed over, new owners and editor etc, it has joined the que and followed the others.


I havent had a copy for 2 months now and havent missed it. Shame really.


My sub ran out back in July, I wasn't soon whether to re sunscribe or not, so I bought the Aug issue and that was the last one I bought sad.gif . It was a brilliant mag, but been going souht since the beginning of the year.


I am getting the feeling that I am subsidising these people having a much better time than me. I don't think I'll be renewing my sub, I'll put it towards a few extra worms.




I seem to remember that last year I said the same thing as you are saying now. I thought the magazine was a rip off at it's price, too full of unchanging adverts for tackle curiously priced at the same price as the sellers competitors, a scarcity of articals that had any relationship to the fishing I do, and full of articals that had allowed the editorial team to have a jolly somewhere nice.


The same is true of most fishing prog's on the TV. The star fishing on his own in a 30 ft charter boat with several chest freezers full of bait and the most up to date expensive tackle.

The only exception to this is Henry Gilby who's programs always reflect real fishermens fishing.



Posted (edited)

If you recall from the previous thread, Mike, we had input from BFM to the effect that, with the new editorial team, things could only get better (cue for a song). And like mugs, several of us decided to give them the benefit of the doubt. Not again! Let those who spend all their time globetrotting and chasing exotic species pay for the editorial jollies. I shall wait until someone produces a magazine that is relevant to the type of fishing I spend most of my time doing.


As a matter of interest, Trout and Salmon has many articles about fly fishing in the caribbean and other far flung options but is balanced by as many again on British rivers and species. This is acceptable, although they are filling up with many more adverts. Will BFM have yet another rethink? I doubt it, they're onto a good thing with the free holidays, etc. Giz a job! wink.gif



Edited by plaicemat

ok i am going to go completely against everyone i still find it a very interesting mag and loved the conger write up and still find it very informative.


ok so he is not as good as jim whippy but i still think that is hard boots to fill.


and along the arguement of the advertisement i dont think it is that bad because have to fund it some how and it is just like the website putting ads on the front page so to be honest i think its quite good.


anyway thats my opinion should get to my graphics but my teachers reading this and he agree's so who nows biggrin.gif



Posted (edited)

its been poor for a while, not just since Dave took over. I remember the threads that were sent to Jim a while back when he was in the helm and we were having a moan then.......It hasnt got any worse, but has got a bit better..........I still buy it, along with TSF and SA........For some reason i seem to hoard mags(fishing ones) and was sat in bed last night reading december 2004 sea angler winter cod special.

Edited by Gnasher
For some reason i seem to hoard mags(fishing ones) and was sat in bed last night reading december 2004 sea angler winter cod special.

It was Sea Angler on the outside alright.... but what was in the inside? Reader's wives 2002?! rolleyes.gif

For some reason i seem to hoard mags(fishing ones) and was sat in bed last night reading december 2004 sea angler winter cod special.

It was Sea Angler on the outside alright.... but what was in the inside? Reader's wives 2002?! rolleyes.gif

No Kam, there in my top draw dry.gif

Theyre in your top draw along with your 50+ Mags (he told me that this month is th Christmas special)









Sorry Bro'

Oh my god.... he's into golden oldies too?! sick.gif


I took the liberty of mailing Dave Barham of BFM to point out the feelings of the average angler in our club and include his reply for your interest.


'Hi Terry, thanks for informing me. I was going to respond, but I can


Possibly the impecunious editor might stop to think that the memory of poor value stays longer in the mind than what the customer expects as normal. Therefore two or three issuses of the type that we were complaining about will colour the judgement for a long time. I still say that not ony BFM, but the other magazines as well have lost their way in giving the angler what he wants. Which is IMO a lot more editorial about fishing and techniques in the UK and far less pictures of

Fred Sportsman from Biggleswade holding up a dead fish that he caught last week.

The last sea fishing mag' I glanced through had an artical about bagging up on LSD to win competitions!! The catches photographed were smaller than the rag worm they used, this isn't fishing.....Or is it?


Mad Mike


My view is that nothing in life is perfect with some things being less perfect than others. BFM is not perfect but imho it is more perfect than most if not all other angling mags, why? because it deals with the kind of fishing we as boat owners do. Not all the articles in each edition interest me and if they did then someone else would probably be dissapointed. How does the old saying go..."you can't please all the people all the time"


Dave if your reading this just do your job to the best of your ability or at least the best the owners will let you do. BFM is still a great read especially for newbies but those that are longer in the tooth will obviously be harder to please




Martin, I think your final response is pretty much a sum it up one. Dave, I do buy the mag regularly, however,I understand it is difficult to please all of us, but I have seen a change in recent months. With other glossies having a few years on BFM, it must be dificult from an editorial point of view to try something new, which hasnt been tried once before by other mags.


I will keep an eye on the mag, but as yet, am not convinced for a subscription!!!



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