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Chav Joke

Manic Moore

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After that discusting old t@rt that has been on the TV news lately I guess a few of these are in order biggrin.gif


Q. What's the difference between a chav and a coconut?


A. one's thick and hairy, the other's a coconut.



Q. Two chavs jump off a cliff, who wins?


A. Society.



Q. What does a chav girl use as protection during sex?


A. Bus shelter.



Q. What do you call a 30 year old chav girl?


A. Gran.



Q. What do you call a chav in a box?


A. Innit.



Q. What do you call a chav in a filing cabinet?


A. Sorted.



Q. What do you call a chav in a suit


A. "the defendant"



Q. Why did the chav cross the road?


A. To start a fight with a complete stranger for no reason what so ever.



Q. What do you call a chav girl in a white tracksuit?


A. The bride.



Q. If you're driving and see a chav on a bike why should you try not to hit



A. It might be your bike.



Q. What's the first question during a chav quiz night?


A. What you looking at.



Q. Why are chavs like slinkey's?



A. They have no real use but it's great to watch one fall down a flight of




Q. Two chavs in a car without any music, who's driving?


A. The policeman!



Q. How do you get a hundred chavs in a phonebox?


A. Paint 3 stripes on it.



Q. What do you call a hundred chavs at the bottom of the river?


A. A good start.



Q. Where do you take a chav girl for a decent night out?


A. Up the ar*e.



Q. Why is 3 chavs going over a cliff in a nova a shame?


A. Because a nova has 4 seats.



Q. What do you call a chav with 9 gcse's?


A. A liar.



Q. What do you say to a chav with a job?


A. Bigmac please.



Q. What's the differemce between a chav boy and a chav girl?


A. A chav girl has a higher sperm count.



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