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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Seeing the posts suggesting Sat might be a window I watched the forecast develop and called Dave ...........


Early start or night aboard (after a late arrival) was no contest so 6 saw me heading down the motorways


Cup of char from Dave and on to the boat; bit of a tidy up and remove the spare fresh water that had collected and of we went.


Heading out we called Maverick only to get Frank - politely reminding me of a change in boat and name rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif Got the impression Frank was either concealing a red hot mark ... or it wasn't going that well at all unsure.gif We decided to have a little change for the winter and headed West!


Whilst fishing we heard a faint call for a Poole Bay Small Boat but although our response clearly ellicited a response we couldn't make out one word and, responding to that effect, heard nothing more. Anyone know who or what?


Anyhow apart from the great weather and crac we managed to tease out a few fish including this PB for me


user posted image


A small eyed ray of 8lb 4oz did a great impression of a 30lb blond in over 2 knots of tide, an estimated 4lb bass hit 2 squid like an express train but couldn't really show it's best with 20oz of lead on it's nose............other (smaller) congers and dogs made up the rest of a fun day. The above conger was last cast as the tide slackened down (thank goodness) and kept the scales on the boat firmly over 46lb and a fair bit more at times.


I hope others took full advantage


Nice one Duncan and Dave. Good to hear a catch report from Poole for a change.


Unfortunately "AWOL" was grounded this week-end by the petticoat brigade...only fair I suppose, hope the weather holds for next week-end




Nice fish Duncan, I am so envious of all who got out on Saturday. Almost went out but was still feeling a little rough.


Interesting how the photo doesn't show the true size of the eel. To me it looks smaller than 43 lb. However, that is because I am comparing the size of the boat as if it were mine, whereas Faeton is somewhat larger !





Typically my cameras were elsewhere and I only had the phone!


This was made worse when I remembered the Trinity House competiton for the 2008 calendar and the conditions and lighting were perfect as we passed Anvil for a great shot- comp closes 31/1.........on the other hand carrying my decent gear on the boat in winter isn't norm either; even the p&s would hovever have done a better job with the eel!


Dave showed a neat trick to return it............open door and get it tail out; with very little encouragement it pulled itselt out backward and gone! Amazing to watch.


Sort of thing that happens to me. Fortunately I have one of those new Sony Ericsson phones which takes pretty good pics.


I now try to get in the habit of taking my Sony camera with me ( 5 years old but takes good pics and as found out recently, available on E-Bay for next to nothing ! )



The faint call by a pbsbac may have been me (Whitey Bitey) 4 miles south of Old Harry with a engine that did not want to start.................... mad.gif


This will get the debate on 2/ versus 4/ started again as it was a E-tec with 26 hours on the clock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!so its still under warrenty mad.gif


We got a tow back in o.k though by a very kind couple in a large cruiser called Blue Pearl from Southern Motor Boats. rolleyes.gif


On arriving back at Baiter i offered some cash for his fuel but was politely told no thankyou. Now thinking quickly i asked for their names (as this would give me some info to contact them at a later date to give them a prezzie to show my gratitude.) only to be answered with their first names.................. unsure.gif


So if anyone knows the owner of Blue Pearl please tell them how thankful i am to them.. ph34r.gif


catch report 4 conger 1 pout 3 dogfish biggest conger to big and angry to bring on board so at a guess 40-50lb


Many thanks Blue Pearl smile.gif




No idea but when the 4 warning lights went out 2 stayed on "hot" and "check engine"...............By the manual this could be anything that will damage the engine.



Quote.....A continuous light without S.A.F.E. mode (limp home mode )-The EMM has identified a problem that should be addressed by your Dealer as soon as practical to avoid operational difficulties. blink.gif


Seems to me any slight problem the EMM shuts the engine off ? unsure.gif


I phoned my dealer while waiting and spoke to the fitter who said check all electrical connections and fuel connections also make sure fuel bulb is hard.


I suppose unless you can do a fault diagnostic test with a laptop or whatever they use your well and truely buggered. mad.gif


I will be phoning South Coast Marine tommorrow to make arrangements to get it sorted.








Have a chat with Tom at SMB, I'm sure he will knwo the vessel and the owners??


Gordon M has also had problems starting his Etec recently, maybe worth a compare of notes?




Cheers Adam


Not sure if Tom would be able to give out personal information like this..........


I know Blue Pearl is at Cobbs


If i left something in the main office do you think they would receive it.....or it would go missing...? ph34r.gif






Interested if the engine turned over and also were the two lights flashing or continuous.

Had the engine been running before it stopped altogether ?


Will be interesting to see what South Coast Marine diagnose.





Yes the engine turned over with no problem.


The 2 middle lights stayed on continuous.


This only happened after 3 hrs at anchor when a change of anchor setting was required.


I won`t know for sure until they do a computer readout.....


I`m taking it in this Saturday and picking up next Saturday


so by the time it`s sorted all the decent fish would have gone on their holidays weep.gif




Nice report duncan and a good eel


I hope that you have sent a catch report through, as its over 100% specimen size


Well done on the PB, not trying to sneak a big eel while I am OOA are you?


Go for it mate




Well done on the PB, not trying to sneak a big eel while I am OOA are you?


I'm just practicing for when youare back Charlie!


CR through system



Great Eel Duncan,I might have to dust DR of soo n and go and find a few myself . There seems to be a few snakes out there at the mo some one recored 3 over 72lb !!!!! on anouther forum from the bay last week.




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