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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Well, at the forth time of trying, Ive actually managed to replace BW.


Understandably I have been a little hush hush on this last one after the previous three failed attempts.


Anyway! ' Out of the Blue ' is now safetly back home and all mine!! biggrin.gif


I've postponed the idea of a cross channel moored boat until next year, so Plan B was a Warrior 175.


She's a minter, never been fished from, lived in the med most of her life and has a strapping BF115 Honda bolted to the back.


She needs kitting out so plenty of shineys and bling is on its way! biggrin.gif


Just need some good weather to get her out..

Edited by Adam F

Nice one !!!


Pretty much as I envisioned back in Dec. !!


A little more 'Warrior' ........ and a little less 'Blue'.


Have fun fitting her out to your spec. and you'll soon be out amongst the action.


What's first?? ......... Shambles plaice/ turbot or the wreck pollack / cod ???


If ever you're looking for crew ......... I'll bring the home-baked bread.


Well done,




Must deserve a glass of bubbly !


Its been a good day, not only do we have a new boat, but we sold our house on the way home with 'Out of the Blue'


SO! Having finally found a new boat, we're on the look out for a new house now - just hoping that it's not as hard as buying a boat.


Mike - Yep, plenty of bling on the way - 10.5" colour plotter, 6" FF and new VHF. Plenty of SS goddies waiting to go on as well!


Nice one Adam biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


Be interested on how she performs compared to BW.


Yes selling and buying houses are even more stressful.


As you may recall, we had to rent before we could find the right house and even that was a compromise. dry.gif


Good hunting weep.gif



sick.gif (with envy)






Congratulations and Good Luck again on the house-hunting; you will be fortunate if that goes as smoothly as your boat buying and you manage to avoid problems in 'chains'.


So now you have your 'prospective' purchaser, have you found somewhere that suits?....... with room for the boat........or are you going to put her in the river?


Good to see you got lots to keep you busy through the 'off' season, can I pop round and have a look one afternoon??






Yep, I expect Garmin to be my choice, just trying to find the gear I want at the right prices at the moment.


The 2007 Garmin kit (not available in the UK till Spring) has satalite photo basemaps, which are outstading in quality - I'm just a little unsure of how well they will supported in the UK at the moment by Garmin..




Its a good time of year to get her though, I've got a good few weeks of fitting out etc to do before the plaice arrive biggrin.gif


What have you decided to fit on GWII?


Boat looks great Adam, where did you find her?


I'm on the look out to replace the Pilot 590 that I've just sold and there's nothing in B&O at the moment!! V. frustrating.





Phil - B&O's is where I found her, along with the other one which fell through.


IMO its the best place to find a boat. www.findafishingboat.co.uk can also be good.


If you are looking for a 175, their is a 2004 boat on their at the moment with a 90 Honda for


Not too sure yet Paul.


The engine is going into Poole Marine Services on Weds for a once over and the prop is over at Prop Revs having a missing chunk replaired, so not this w/e.


However if I can find a S/S prop this week I'll take her out.


Why, do you fancy joining me?

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