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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Well it was a bit early in the season for pollock this far east and north but I couldn't resist the weather so Terry (Plaicemat) and I slipped out of Mudeford about 8.00am this morning to try a few wrecks and fish the slack for congers. The weather was perfect, not a cloud in the sky and bearly a ripple on the water. Well we found 3 of the wrecks I had marks for and unfortunately the polllock, pout or cod didn't want to play. We don't think it was down to the dredger at work half a mile away, possibley the small tides. Anyway we settled on the last one in the area and we were into congers from the off with Terry getting bites from the start on Squid and I had one rod on cuttle head and another on Mackerel. Terry had a strap then one about 30lb (his PB) I lost a good one when it bit me off. Both of us lost a few bits of tackle on the rough ground, I then pulled up a 30 when Terry started to heave on another only to be cut off in the wreck, within seconds I had a bite and it was a good one. Once it got to the boat it decided it wanted to go back home and off it went. After a good struggle it weighed in at 55lb. (It also had Terry's lost trace in its mouth! Sorry mate) Way past my previous best.

We fished a couple of hours of flood which saw another couple of eels and we decided to head for home about 4.00pm.


Enticer ran flawlessley again (after I opened the tank vent rolleyes.gif ) and we did 37 miles on 25 litres.


Great company, weather and fishing.


Thanks for crewing Terry


Edited by Manic Moore




I foolishly started with 70lb and was bitten of by a good fish. Went up to about 150lb (I think) Even then I had to change the hook length a couple of times after conger teeth worked on it. We were both using 70lb rubbing leader wich on the whole worked but Terry was a little unlucky but he decided that he had been letting the bites develope for too long.





I wouldn't thought you need 70lb leader, especially if you are using only 30lb braid, as the difference on thickness is a lot. Plus conger doesn't have rough skin to 'rough' up the leader. Try 50 even lighter next time.


ok now i am going to pester dad to finish the boat dont worry gordon 7 more pounds and you got the club record tongue.gif


cracking fish cant wait to be out there again




Sorry Terry, small oversight........ in the PB dept. !


Are you getting a taste for 'conger-hauling'?


Looks like it was a gorgeous day out there. I'm looking forward to being more of a 'free-agent' , to be able to sieze weather 'windows'...... sometime soon , I hope!




No !! I could never go that [Victorian work ethic or something that afflicts those of my age/ background!!].


Fingers crossed for an 'Early retirement' package.......esp. as am feeling increasingly redundant.


Teaching has become very much a 'young person's 'career'.



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