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I,ve recently taken delivery of a new 520 and have been out a couple of times. Needless to say I'm very pleased with it. A big difference from the 440.

What I am looking for is the help of an experienced club member who could spend a couple of hours with me, giving me some tips and advice about launching and retrieving the boat. I need to be able to launch it single handed and unfortunatly I am having to launch at Baiter. When the boat is in the water, perhaps the "volunteer" would also be prepared to point out some of the hazards that I am likley to face in and around the Poole Bay area.

With the exception of Monday and Wednesday mornings I am pretty flexible with times.

The only incentives I can offer would be the mandatory pint and the promise of some fishing trips!

If you fancy wading around in icy water, then please feel free to contact me.


Thanks in anticipation


Rich (S)


Hi Rich


It's probably asking a lot of someone to do all this for you in one go.


I'd suggest keeping an eye on the trip planning and arrange to be at Baiter when we are planning to launch. Plenty of us would be more than happy to show you how to safely launch your boat single-handed, and then show you the retreival on the return.


You could then follow us out to the local marks. It's good to go out in the company of other boats.


I've had a couple of requests from members to talk about the hazards of the areas we fish, so, I will bring out the charts at the next club meeting where we have a free slot. It will not be the April club meeting because that's the AGM.


Martin, is there any focused topic planned for the May meeting (using Radar)?






We have arranged for our May meeting to be at another venue to allow for live radar. I have just to confirm this week with Chris from Greenam Regis Marine that he is still available. Will have definate info at the AGM






Good to hear you've got the new boat and all's well!


Dispell your worries!! Handling the 520 is easier than the 440, thanks to the roller trailer; she rolls off in less water and is lighter on the arm to wind in single handed.


More than happy to pass on any tips and come to help you get started.


Have you got my number ? [ or just PM here ].


Be happy to creep off early one afternoon [ and perhaps combine with a bait dig!??]



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