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Hi all


I have been keeping track of trip milage, engine hours run and fuel used with my Mariner 60hp four stoke since buying the boat.


I seem to be using 0.92 ltrs/mile average blink.gif


This is using a mixture of flat out to trolling running in a mixture of sea states with and against tides.


Most of my trips are not very long on average 20 miles per trip.


Does this seem good/bad/average? huh.gif


You all seem to get out a lot and was wondering how you others compaired?







I do not keep a log of hours run and fuel used but obviously do on occasions monitor the fuel used.


My boat is somewhat heavier than yours (Warrior 195) and has a Mariner 150hp Optimax on the back. With this combination I seem to return aound 4 miles to the gallon. So on a 20 mile trip as you stated above I would use 5 galls as opposed to your 4 galls. Its not very often that I can travel flat out, sea conditions dont usually allow that. Cruising I would have the throttle set somewhere between 4000 and 4500 which give a speed of 20/28 knots depending on conditions.


On an average trip out of Poole I would expect to cover around 30 miles and use around 7/8 galls. The longest we have travelled in a day chasing fish is around 90 miles, ouch that hurt laugh.giflaugh.gif




My Orkney 520 with 30HP 4 stroke Honda on the back has a 25 litre fuel tank ( I think ! ).


The most fuel I have managed to use was around 20 litres ( The Shambles trip ).

I also carry 2 gallons reserve, but have never had to use this at all.


MPG - I have never worked it out. How far from Wick Ferry to Christchurch Ledge ?





I seem to average close on 1ltre / mile for my Yanmar...............just a shade under at around 17 knots which appears to be my most efficient speed (other than drifting!)


Sorry, I'm no expert, but isn't mpg a bit meaningless, as distance isn't a true representation of work by the engine.


For example, wind and tide both affects the friction/resistance of boat going where it's going. I hear some of you say 'But it should equals out as getting there and then back like they do in speed runs?!' Yes, and no, wind direction changes as well as tide. You could well be against tide out on way out and way back.


Maybe how much fuel it uses in an hour at full throttle is a better representation?! blink.gif




You are quite right in pointing out that when passage planning all variables should be taken into account. Responsible owners should ensure that they have suffucient fuel for the intended passage. I always go out with a full fuel tank (120litres) which is more than sufficient for my intended uses (so far)


I dont think this thread was intended to be about passage planning but about how much fuel a particular rig uses overal. Taking an average over a period of time will give a good idea as to what the consumption could be expected of a particlular rig. It is also far easier to work out what you have used on an average rather than per hour as every trip is different and timed runs with fuel usage almost impossible to calculate unless you plan to do nothing other than collect data.


This could be useful in many ways but especially if you were intending to buy a new motor/boat as running costs are almost as important as purchase price. It could also give a benchmark to judge wether you unit is performing as it should.




Thanks for pionting that out. tongue.gif


Obviously I'd missed the point. weep.gif


I must admit, if I was to get a boat, running cost wouldn't have entered the equation. It's more a question can I pay X amount for this boat and then worry about the running cost later.


In case anyone was not aware...


Make sure you regularly use the fuel in your spare tank, so that it's kept fresh. Otherwise if you leave it and just keep topping up your main tank, the fuel in the spare tank will go stale and will not start the motor when you need it.


This is especially true for 2 stokes with a fuel/oil mix. For example, your Aux motor.



Coddy, your fuel consumption is about the same as mine. I average about a litre per mile. 70HP Suzuki 4 stroke.


Bob F.



Thanks all for your responses,


I would be interested in Adam's fuel useage as he has the same size boat but a smaller engine blink.gif I think (50hp)


It will be interesting to see how it compares.


By the amount of usage already I should think the engine hours have gone up considerably.


It will be nice to add some hours to my outfit as it has just stood on the drive for over a month weep.gifweep.gif


Still next week-end at least two full days and maybe a bit extra on Monday as well rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif






Havent really had the chance yet to monitor it, but I will do and report my findings. (next Sat?)


Last trip was out to Anvil point. I reckon I did about 25 miles in all, maybe a little more with all the running around, and used approx 20 quid in fuel.


This is a very rough estimate though.


Ill post when I find out.

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