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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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thats just a lil' shower! tongue.giflaugh.gif


where are all the hardcore sunbathers aswell??


the vid says its a cyclone... just wondering what windspeeds can a chopper safely fly in... having to make enough headway to keep up with the ship? (which is presumably going into the waves) unsure.gif






T'was on the TV last night. A university vessel full of students learning about the ocean, off Alaska. I wonder how many changed their course to land management once ashore.


Did you notice the size of the final wave that hit it just as the video ended?



I saw the effect of a huge wave that hit the QE2 when she was in a big storm whilst crossing the atlantic early in her carreer.


The Bridge Superstructure had a crack of up to 1inch wide all the way down to deck level.


So much Power so few Fish blink.gif



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