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Had a day out with Wendy and the Boys today.

As we had a busy weekend the plan was not to go far so we settled for some banks by the spoil grounds.


Lots of mackerel so bait was not a problem, but we had a very busy day with the dreaded Dogfish so plenty were needed.


Finished the day with over 40 LSD

About the same number of mackerel [many of which are in the freezer ready for next weekend]

a 1lb 8oz red gurnard

and a nice 14lb 8oz Undulate Ray.


A great day with good weather [that allowed for lots of brews of tea and freshly cooked lunch while we fished] and hectic fishing.

Finished off with a few beers and barbaqued Mackerel in the garden.


Heard of several other good fish caught

Helen Dore had a 9lb Thornback and John Manser reported a Blonde of 27lb I think it was to his rod but I am awaiting confirmation on that one.


All in all good signs of plenty of fish for the weekend, lets pray for the same weather.


Tight lines

Charlie biggrin.gif


Hmmmm...lucky bleeders!


BW stayed firmly put this weekend. 2 days off work last week put to that, so Sat and Sun have been a mix of working (proper wage earning work mad.gifmad.gif ) DIY, Shopping and family commitments mad.gifmad.gifmad.gifmad.gif ...all the while BW stared at me through the window ' why havent you taken me out into the sunshine???' she whispered! mad.gifmad.gifmad.gif


Well done to all who got out this WE, sounds like some good sessions were had by all....Im saving myself for next weekend, althoug with the orgainisation and other things it looks like my 48 hrs will be reduced to about 8hrs mad.gifmad.gif ...never mind! ph34r.gif


What a lovely day!, i felt for you guys who were stuck at home.


Loyal Royal launched at 7:15 in Lymington at low water- We got away with it- Just.


First stop was to the sconse buoy for live Mackeral as we were off to do some Bass fishing at Freshwater.


There were none at the buoy at all so the pressure was on!, we went round the corner hoping to catch them as we drifted with dead ones for the Bass.

The bait catching was incredibly tough but Mark saved the day when we finally got into them although they were all huge. It's always the same, when you want them to eat their small, when you want joeys, their huge.


Unfortunatley, we spent most of the flood getting bait and missed the best of the tide although i did manage a Bass of 3lb 4oz- Charlie can you put that one in the book please.


We then anchored for a bit during the slack and picked up 1000's of dogs and pout.


Back on the drift for the Ebb but we only had an hour or so as we had to get in before the water disappeared at the slip.


Mark lost a good Bass half way up when it spat his mackeral out which came up with teeth marks all over the tail and mid section- Heartache! A couple of my baits were sliced clean in half by tope but no fish caught. Perhaps we would have done better with smaller baits and or pennel rigs in the bigger ones.


A great day out overall


Paul J


HAd a great day out. It was a choice between Lymington and Wick.

Decided to lauch from Wick as it was 11:00 AM and I figured that Lymington would be a) Packed and cool.gif would have to pay to launch smile.gif


Launched using Helen's HRV - tows boat fine and launching / retrieval is a breeze.


Helen and my daughter Elaine were onboard, so decided to head off towards "X-Ray" and drifted for mackeral first - we had plenty every drop - all small joeys, just what Paul J would have wanted !!


Tied up to a buoy and fished the last of the flood and then the start of the ebb.

I had dogfish after dogfish and then lost a good bream, but we were fishing mackeral fillet on largish hooks, so UI was suprised to hook into one at all.

So dogfish all round for me.


Elaine had a number of doggies + a dead small bream.


Helen had a field day !! - numerous dogfish, one reasonable sized bream, one cuttle fish !! and a 9 lb Thornback ray which took a lot of lifting ( fortunatley the tide wasn't running fast at that time ). Photo to come as it is on my phone at the moment.


All fish returned alive.


Brownie points bag is now overflowing and my daughter wants to join as a junior member again smile.gif


Oh and also saw the Red Arrows fly past.



Sounds like you had a good day Paul. I will add your bass to the book.


We heard you on the VHF once but you did not hear our reply.


Mark has my sympathy as I also lost a bass of about 4lb on the surface next to the boat, while the net was coming out of the cabin. weep.gif


It was a great day to be out


Charlie biggrin.gif


Hi All


You have to keep rubbing it in that I couldnt go fishing mad.gif but glad to read all your reports it nearly makes up for not being on the water smile.gif


Paul glad to hear Helens new vehicle tows the boat ok, Helen look out Pauls got his eyes on your new motor ph34r.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif



Guest Maltese

Hi all

Had a good day out at the slate beds last Sunday only too doggies but a nice small eyed ray of 27 lbs .

Could you record it Charlie please,



John please check that the Ray was a Blonde and resubmit the report.


100% sure it was not a small eyed.

Have you a photo?


Nice fish, we had better get the species right.



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