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Having tried to pick Les' brains over info. of Mudeford squid, we managed to arrange a late start on another gorgeous October day to combine some of my experience with his.


First off was drifting the Ledge to see if any fresh bait was available [water temp still 15C and water full of plankton]......surprise , surprise....... a few mackeral showed up, plus a pollack and a gurnard.


Over on the Trigger area things were slow to start.........but when a bit of ebb started, they came in steadily, peppered with loads of pout [ but very few bream!]


Fishing was completely distracted by one of the best sunsets I've seen in ages! WOW!


Time for squid said Les.........and took us in the opposite direction to what I was expecting..... drifting a featureless spot out from the Head. We tried three spots but it was all very slow [perhaps the ebbing tide not the best??]. Les managed two tiddlers.......small in size, but big on ink!!; the first squirted everything in finest blue-black!


We were both keen to try for a sole.........these have eluded me so far this season.

I fancied trying a spot new to me to broaden experience. Travelling across the Ledge in the dark was also new to me and I was wary of all the pots and gear there.........and rightly so.......even at less than 10 knts, the buoys jump out of the dark at you , and we had three close calls!!


Sole fishing in 3m of water was slow ........the temp fell like a stone ....and a land breeze freshened [ winter gear required........after shorts\T-shirts earlier!] Lots of different species came to the 'stinky'worms and eventually pout predominated. Perseverence paid off though and I got the 'target ' species [ 3 sole , with 2 good size ones.... yet to be weighed!]. Two whiting also showed up, small [but not tiny!!] ........I hope this is a sign of a better run this winter.


Another productive trip; cheers for the company Les......and your pot-spotting night-eyes.




Good report Alun and that sunset was awesome was it not. It was that impressive I stopped the car to take a look at it on the way home.

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