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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Well at last the Boat is afloat biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


after a very busy day with a crane and boat transporter blocking the road outside the house the front garden looks a mess and is now boatless


She was transported very safely and with minimal fuss to Salterns

Thanks John Weaver cranage and Malcolm Elvey boat transport.


The boatyard team from Salterns were excellent and Martin their engineer made short work of a PDI He fitted the loaned duo props [G7's]and corrected a couple of minor faults before getting the engine running smoothly at the back of our new offshore 30. He joined us for Sea trails and off we went down through a very tight marina and out into the harbour [trying to get used to the surge of power from the stern drive as it brings the power on and 4.5 knots in gear at idle revs ohmy.gif ]


A slow meander down the north channel to allow the engine to reach operating temperature then a brief stop to check for leaks and faults and of we go up the Main channel


3000 RPM has the gps on 28knots over the ground and then up to a limit of 3300 revs and 32 knots biggrin.gif


I am sure you can all imagine the smiles on the boys faces, flat calm day in the sun and a boat "Doing what it said on the tin"

Offshore stated just over 30 knots, we have the full length cabin, galley shower etc and still get over 30 knots NICE. biggrin.gif


Martin advises a change of props as the RPM is a bit low, so back we go through the narrow route in Salterns blink.gif and He changes the props to G5's while we are afloat


Martin B popped over for a chat and happily held the boat in place while this was done, then out again to continue sea trials


This time the rpm reached 3550 and we had lost about a knot at WOT. we have agreed that this is probably the best set of props so have left them on for more tests over the weekend.


I would like to say here that the help received from PMS and Salterns about all snags encountered with this complex engine fit has been rapid and excellent. and the whole team at Salterns could not have been more helpfull than they were today.


Thanks for all the encouragement recently and through the whole project to all that have ether visited the house or talked about the build at the club meetings on the forums and on PM's

and to friends who came down today to wish us luck and have freely given of time expertise and even parts towards this very long and complex project


I hope that when I have recovered from the recent long hours {and todays very early 0500 and excited waking up] I can colate enough info and pictures to have an after meeting chat to members about this


I also hope to get the rods out very soon so the boys and I can get out doing what we like to do most. biggrin.gif

SEE YOU AFLOAT biggrin.gif


Sorry their are no pictures I am struggling to get windows vista to allow me to reduce the size so that they can be added here.

Any Tips?



Back on the water again at last biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


PJ you can tell Norman he has a ride for the Open biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

can someone update me on where to fish laugh.gif


Well done Charlie .........I can feel the pride and anticipated pleasure.


Sorry I wasn't able to make it today......catching up with chores after 3 days out this week!


Re pics. click on the link from Rob Francis in the 'Help' forum, topic 'photos.' The re-sizing dowwnload is easy to use and quickly turns big photo files into postable thumbnails.


Like riding a bike, you'll soon be back amongst the fish!!


Cheers, toasting Alfresco,





Congrats Charlie,


I was happy when I made my folding cuddy. You must be over the moon 10 fold!



Tight lines,




Well done Charlie & Co.


Was good to see you all on the boat today and thanks to Mrs C for showing Dean and I around the boat.....she (the boat that is) looks fantastic and (me being very diplomatic or in other words creeping smile.gif ) Mrs C looks ok too wink.gif


Look forward to fishing along side you all very soon






Thanks for all the kind words guys and the pictures Tom

If you are passing the Club pop in and have a better look around we got a little busy yesterday


And Wendy says thanks MARTIN xx, nice to see you and Dean on your boat for the first time



Out today We had a charge about, added another 250 ltrs of fuel then landed Dan on the Racing platform with the camera


I will add a couple of shots later



Shows I am out of touch

I spoke to Tony on his new boat Miss Daisy about pulling over for a chat then chased another Members identical boat up the harbour.

We were wondering why Tony did not stop and I bet he was wondering why we sped off.


Oh and sorry about the 30 knot fly past and horns Tony, Sam has waited 21 months to do that. ph34r.gif After all the work he has done I thought he had earnt it biggrin.gif


Sorry again about the wash.


Its a shame that the weather breaks tonight as I may be allowed rods onboard by then


Hope to see more Members afloat again very soon

Tight lines


Charlie and the alfresco crew biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


Hi Charlie


I've just been sent a message by a forum member who is struggling to log on at the moment.

He's obviously been impressed by Alfresco!

Please can you answer his questions, below, about your windscreen wipers.





Hi Tom, Could you do me a favor please? Just been admiring Charlies new boat and noticed he has fitted twin wipers on seperate switches. Can you ask him if he can syncronise them or is it hit and miss? I can buy the Vetus unit


Thanks guys biggrin.gif


Tom the wipers are independent 2 speed vetus wipers


They are on individual switches port and stbd and are not synchronised but do auto park so they line up when off


We have a similar size boat at work and had problem with regular damaged blades when they were on one switch

This we realised was because if the coxn wanted to clear sea spray on one window the other had to run dry


Fitting independent switches cured the problem so I also used it, it was fairly easy to arrange during build. but it does have 4 wires to each motor from the switch.


A Tip you may want to suggest for your cat, although she may have a lot of windows biggrin.gif


Charlie biggrin.gif


Looking very nice Charlie - great lines; sits well in the water.


Bit concerned about your speed though - no chance of out running you to the mark now! In fact it look like Awol, Alfresco and Phaeton are all within a knats (assuming I can get the gearing/props sorted unsure.gif again)



Thanks Duncan


I was interested to see on the first trip that at 3000 RPM she gave me exactly the speed you had descibed for phaeton 28knots


So I think when we can get that trip to the islands we should all cruise at a good pace


I added 250 ltrs of fuel yesterday and the WOT RPM and boat speed remained the same so I think the balance of the boat must be about right.


have to have a word with the crew about leaving the fenders out wink.gif


I hope your trials go well


Charlie biggrin.gif

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