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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Well - what an eventful day!.....


Gordon and I had planned to take advantage of the weather window yesterday with a trip out in search of Mr Cod. We decided to take Enticer as we were entertaining in the eve and I didnt want to hastle of taking the boat back. With the late low tide we decided on a late start and after battling the traffic I arrive at G's at 8.30am.


We are soon of chatting away with Gordon telling me how pleased he is with replacing his breaks and servicing the trailer as we cruise down the Avon Causeway....when....BANG!!!! G looks in the side mirror and calmly exclaims - ' Oh SH#T my bloody wheels come off!!


Apparently he forget to nip the bolts up!


Youve all seem the cartoons where the wheel comes off a car and bounces rolling down the road.....we you get the picture! Gordon shoots off home with me diverting traffic around the boat and returns 20 mins later with tools and a trolly jack (note to all trailer boaters - will your car jack lift your boat?? Many wont) Problem # 1 sorted.


Anway we stop at Texaco in Mudeford and fuel up only for me to notice G has a flat car tyre - a bit of air sorts this as a temp. measure. Problem #2 sorted.


We get to the slip and a slick operation has the boat in the water. Whilst G is parking the trailer I'll warm up the engine.....or not!! She wont start - flat batts! Problem # 3, now I know why they say things happne in 3's!!!


Anyway long story short(ish) we get out and decide to fish inshore after the late start. We feed 3 boxes of squid to the hoards of hungry dogs with not another species in sight. The prime flood dies and we swing with the wind into the slow ebb. The weather is glorious though and we pass the time by eating copious 'heart stopper' bacon and egg triple deckers and messing about.


The day is salvaged slightly when I get a half decent bite that quickly stops and continous to tap away like a doggy....so I leave the rod and re-bait the other. When it's time to wind in I'm met with a solid resistance and the glorious tell tale 'NOD NOD - says MR COD!!!' biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


In the net 1st time and she goes 8lb 8oz - my first cod of the winter - perfect size to go with a few chips.


No photos though as the camera battery was dead - not that this surpised us after the way the days started!! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


Nice fishing Adam - I bet Gordon was mentioning spawny ..... smile.gif ?. We had no joy over by the island just Doggies, whiting and pout.


Tried again today but very interesting weather ( see other post ).






I guess with a day like that Adam was always going to be the one spawning the only cod of the day


I won't stop kicking myself for not finishing the wheel bolts properly (glad I didn't take up hang gliding!). Despite my depression over the incedent, I have to say I got off lightly. I would normally would have gone via the spur road so dual carriage way, faster speed.........., doesn't bear thinking about. I am repacing the hub as some of the threads have stripped due to the bolts pulling out, and the mud guard brackets bent slightly, these are off now, will be heated up, straightened and all put back together as new for less than


The key lesson for me was whether to carry a trolley jack and other kit each time you go.


I used to, a trolly jack, chocks or wood, a 4 way wheel brace etc and then I got fed up of loading it all in the car.


After Friday I'll start carrying it again, esp with the bigger boat and the longer distance I now trail.


If you havent tried it and you trail it is worth checking to see how easy you car jack lifts you boat - and how safe it is.



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