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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Well, it's official.


Both boats have now gone and our new project can be unveiled! biggrin.gif


Bob and I will be building an brand new Aquafish 23.


Literaly days of research have gone into this decsion, not to mention several hundred miles. sad.gif In the end we decided against the pretty peche promenade type fishers due to the lack of deck space for our budget. We also decided that an outdrive was required 1.) Due to the shallow nature of where she will live and 2.) to keep the top speed high. We also decided on a deep Vee hull to get a good all-round ride. The Aquafish was pretty much the only boat that fitted the bill. Finally a visit to Cair Paravel in Essex convinced us, as they are built like brick sh$t houses, we saw how they are built and what goes into them. Mind made up.


She will have a Volvo Penta D3 190hp in her through an SX leg. More that this we dont know, apart from of course she will have a blue hull tongue.gif


The order went in yesterday, the hull is being made to order and to our slightly altered spec and will be here in 6 weeks.


user posted image


I guess both Bob and I will keep you up to date through here with a few piccies!


Congrats Adam and Bob I'm sure you will end up with a very special boat


Now for the name game....uuuummm


"Into the Blue"

"Blue Duo" um charter boat already called that.

"Blue 2"

"Deep Blue"

"Aqua Blue" Perhaps a little to like aquafresh


I give up whats the name going to be?







Congratulations and I am sure the hard work will be well worth it.


Due to the shallow nature of where she will live


Wonder where that will be then ? ph34r.gif



Sounds an intriguing decision chaps! I look forward to hearing the tales of the build, and maiden voyage.


Hope all of your plans come together, with a minimum of hassle.


Am told reliably by a good friend of mine that the hull and deck costs one third of the project, the engine and associated installation a further third, and the final third is tied up with the mast and sails..... biggrin.gif




Damn!! mad.gif Adam, we forgot the mast and sails...to counter the fuel increases.


I suggested "Blue Our Budget", but it's a bit of a month full on the VHF...unless of course we shorten it to "BOB, BOB, BOB". biggrin.gif


Nice one Adam and Bob


I bet you will be out given every chance when she is finished.


With a 190bhp in the back I bet she will fly, will you be building it to coded standards?

Sounds like a like business venture opertunity going to be on, to save on fuel duty?


Good luck and I look forward to seeing how the build proceeds.





What a superb choice guys!


I'm sure you'll be itching to get it all together and afloat, but I dont envy you all the effort and fitting out.


But when its done, you'll have something unique and special. rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif


Will she have a diving platform??? or is it only pure fishing....




Nice one guys.


You made a great choice here, and I wish you every success.


Can't wait to see you on the tide.


Tight lines






Congratulations guys

I hope you get as much enjoyment from your new boat as i get from Aquafresh.You wont be disappointed once you get her in the water,they are great fun flat out,but will also be a revelation in a lumpy sea.Loads of deck space for equipment and of course big live bait tank to help plunder those late season bass shoals.

Good luck with the build,cant wait to see her on the water



I hope that it goes so smoothly that you can do a picture diary


I was so busy that it did not get done, I have loads of Photo's and could do it now "After the event" if I knew how to get the whole folder on to the gallery


Charlie biggrin.gif


Adam, feel free to ask for my scaffolding if you want to sheet it in, its at Charlies and I'm sure he is ready to be releived of it!! can trailer it down to where she is being built for you, as soon as you have the hull in place.


Huge congrats...well jeal!!!!




solid choice, blue hulled expample looks very smart and breaks up the otherwise slightly tubby lines really well - keeping it smart will be another matter of course!


Aquablue sounds a perfect name........


Thanks guys.


We now have a delivery date of the 30th April, have a slot booked in the mould so will be hull # 54.


The boat is being built at my house - hopefully wont need a full shelter as it is only a fit-out we are doing, so very little fibreglass work - but I'll let you know Rich if we do need any scaffolding. Thinking as I type, it may be worthwhile building steps and a gantry if nothing else to ease getting on and off - I'll ring you.


Name not decided yet - suggestions welcome!

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