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Hi Lads,

Anybody had any experience with the new Humminbird 981C SI wide Sidescan sonar fish finder. I am considering the addition of one to complement my Raymarine C120.






Hi Tomo


A friend of mine has one in that range, the graphics are good and it has a reasonably good range of features. The thing that would stop me buying one is the lack of intuativeness of the software. My Garmin I picked up straight away but despite several trips on his boat I always have to work hard at remembering the menues and get frustrated at the lack of short cuts for even the normal menues you use on every trip, that are very much part of the Garmin's appeal.

Also most of the menues are navigated via a thumb pad which never seems to be very precise, again the garmin is more a mixture of the thumb pad and buttons.


It may be that it requires a bit more study of the instruction manual (not a method I use, like most blokes, fiddle around and when you have to admit defeat, then look in the book)


I guess getting your hands on the different styles will ultimately guide your descision


Good luck





Thanks for that Gordon............Any comments on how good the side imaging was as this was the main reason for considering it, as my current system (C120) is more than adequate as a radar, gps and fishfinder.






I havent had much of a play on this unit, but when I did, and from what I have seen / heard the side scan the unit provides is a bit of a gimic - a little like the 3d mapping the new plotters produce.


I was a little sceptical as a 'proper' side scan runs into many thousands, like fitted to commercial trawlers etc. I think it is a start, and in coming years technology will catch up allowing us ordinary folk such technology.


For a proper unit look here: http://www.olex.no/


... then get your wallet out!


H! Tomo



I have the 997c Hummingbird on my Quicksilver 630 SD GPS Fish finder Sonar all good. It might just be me and not having the unit set up right but the side imaging is not what it


Thanks for that lads


It appears that maybe its too early for this technoligy to be efficent at this level of the market although for the 12ins screen the cost is


I did hear that those images you see on the adverts are in a river and not the sea.


For best results the boat has to be in flat clam water!


As been said previously, think it is early days for this yet unsure.gif




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