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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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OK - from a few phone calls, I have the following down for a warm stable bed and a greasy fry up:


Adam F

Paul D

Alun J

Neal S


Anyone else before I call Mark in the morning?


Also - appreciate I'm not skippering, but in the interest of moving the logistics planning along what are the suggested timings? Leave early friday? Convoy? Casual departure radio contact etc...


Can I suggest a 'team leader' knocks up a set of marks (wrecks and banks) to enable skippers to be flexible?

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Nice one Adam step forward to team leader mate.

Good to have a general plan, but obviously each boat will also need their own organising.


I need to make it a Sat am depart as the boys and I can not leave on Friday


Happy to leave early Sat, and to help with the planning etc






Nice one Adam step forward to team leader mate.


Well, as I said, I'm not skippering so feel out of place taking a lead role, but happy to helppull together. Duncan and Martin have been before so their input valuable.


A few points from when we've been in the past:


-Leaving nice and early means bleary eyes but makes the most of a rare and special trip.

-Macky are usually easier to find this side (maybe not this year!)

-As has been said a few common marks to all boats avoids awkward convoys then reliance on line of sight mid channel.

-When entering Alderney Harbour - 'Braye' call the harbour master on 'Alderney Radio' once you reach the breakwater, this gives you a few minutes to organise a berth and OK it with the harbour master.

-Most berths are swinging. If staying onboard, moor stern on with a pair of ropes from each quarter - the yachties look at you funny, but we dont have two pointy ends and you'll thank me if the wind gets up in the night - the slap, slap of the waves will be some 20' at least away.

-On VHF channel 16 or by mobile you will get the Alderney water taxi if you dont have a tender. It is


Leaving Friday is not doable for me either I suspect. ( Some of us have to work smile.gif )


Hope Neil is planning on a Saturday departure, but if not let me know and I will hopefully be able to book time off work.




I'll await the phone call with more details on the beds but pencilled it in for now.


Tides early or late that weekend so no problem booking in for fuel. If you fuel Saturday it will need to be done by 9.00am to make sure you are away safely. Sunday an hour later etc. Suggest everyone does it early am so there is no need to rush back and spoil a good day afloat.







I also cannot leave until Saturday a.m. I am not usually troubled by Poole Bridge - except at high water - so I will keep an eye on the tide accordingly. Plus I need to wait for Paul and Alun to join us and load up.


I havn't decided whether to stay on-board or not as yet - but even if I do, John will stay at the B&B - that way no one else has to put up with my snoring!!


Probably seems like a good idea travelling a fair way across to fish a wreck before heading into Braye. Hopefully all together.


Mackeral are still a long way out so not much point stopping too soon for bait.




well - whilst it's a long way off still the weather seems to be moving in our favour a bit!


48 hours ago was giving NE3-4 pretty much all the way through the weekend into the following week which would have given sleepness nights and hairy dingy trips in Braye plus a return that, even timed to the ebb, would not have been 'nice'. In fact my thoughts watching this thread were decidedly on the 'unlikely' ...


now Metcheck is suggesting the Sunday/Monday/early Tue will be stable with light W or SW meaning an early or late run back for wind with tide.


heading over it's showing a relative light S - so the only good news there is that what you see about 4 miles past Anvil is the worst you will get. Certainly do-able relative to the previous situation but a bit changable right now.


As ever we will watch and wait as the weather gods play with our plans and minds!

48 hours ago was giving NE3-4 pretty much all the way through the weekend into the following week which would have given sleepness nights and hairy dingy trips in Braye plus a return that, even timed to the ebb, would not have been 'nice'.

Came back in a NE 6 on a spring a couple of years ago with Quest II.


That was a tad lumpy out as far as the Deeps and then just "so so" the last 4/5 of the way.


your idea of fun clearly differs from mine Tom rolleyes.gif


however I think we both agree that there is a world of difference between what you plan to set out in and what you occassionally decide to 'suffer' - as in the trip over a couple of years ago.

your idea of fun clearly differs from mine Tom rolleyes.gif


however I think we both agree that there is a world of difference between what you plan to set out in and what you occassionally decide to 'suffer' - as in the trip over a couple of years ago.

Without a doubt Duncan.

I would have loved to have been heading over today!

Instead I am wondering...


"Blue Marlin in Cape Verde or Rain, wind and the chance of a Bass in Alderney"


Only joking, all that are going, have a really great trip and get your string pulled plenty.




Well all the planing seems to be coming on, I have had the paper charts out with Tom and the various wrecksites/data bases


Following all the recent changable weather I am not over confident in the weather, but by the time of next weeks meeting we should have a good idea.

Do those that are going fancy meeting a bit early next Thursday to discuss this trip over a pint.


All the research can still be used on another date.


I have spoken to Gary and Humphrey today and we may get another couple of boats.


Charlie biggrin.gif




Spoke to Mark at Alderney angling today - what a friendly helpful chap biggrin.gif


4 beds booked at Mark's new guest house with scope for another 1 space if needed.

Thanks Adam for sorting the accommo. and contacts.


I'll meet up with others for a jar..........just say where\ when.



well usually there's a bottle of champagne on arrival at Braye for your first channel crossing - but I guess that doesn't apply to fishing boats or those on other peoples boats................ rolleyes.gif


as Adam - fingers crossed for


1. weather window

2. the spring bloom currently being experienced in the CIs clears

3. Phaeton starts when I turn the key.........it's been a long time!


Sorry Charlie............just twigged......re 'pint'......... next Thurs is May 1st.......so there's a club meeting............see you there .........as early as I can make it.





Posted (edited)

I may be up for this but work wise the following weekend is more suitable for me.  Looks like I would be the only plodder though v. all you 30Kn types.  As soon as I know for certain I will tie in with the rest of you.

Work commitments cleared and FPO sanction obtained so I am able to make the trip with Marsel 2 biggrin.gif


Space available for one or possibly two crew, preferably someone with angling skills and local knowledge to make up for my lack of both. Alternatively it might be a case of the "novice boat" out fishing all the old hands smile.gif Please PM if interested.



Edited by AHoy

almost certainly will be Alan - as we all know it's just a matter of luck once you have put the boat in the right place, at the right time, and stuck the right bait on the right rig..........


in this case a strip of mackerel on the bottom whilst bobbing around amongst all the other boats!


Can you believe it ??? Will it hold ??? [ Everything crossed !!]


Look at Metcheck for the weekend we are thinking about...


Light Northerlies ........ to speed us across....... then little or no wind ALL WEEKEND




Almost bound to change ...... by tomorrow ?? !!




well given that that is a huge change from yesterday's metcheck predictions I guess it could change again............. laugh.gif


on the other hand if we could lock in that foecast, including the 16 degrees and sunshine on Sunday in the fishing area, it would be worth a few bob.


what's really encouraging is that we don't seem to be dodging any timebound threats at the moment ph34r.gif


time, as they say, will tell.

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