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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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oh - dear................. and this morning's version was sooooooooooooo much better.


someone must have screwed up in some way because it's changed on all the output I looked at for Poole/Alderny/Guernsey


Here's what it said this morning...(alderney)


Fri 2 May 0:00 5:59 6

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Can someone PM me the marks and waypoints we plan on using as a group so that I can load them into my plotter in comfort smile.gif (and with less risk of mistakes). You can include the extra special secret marks as well if you want ph34r.gif Cheers.





I am not sure when and how we intend to get the overall plan together


what do the others think. ph34r.gif


Personally and after Adam spoke with mark it sounds like the tides suit a fairly rapid trip over, with bait stops around the RIPS


I also fancy looking at drifting over a couple of wrecks on rouite if we can I believe slack is around 0900 so it would need an early start.


But still arriving in time to look for some launce and drift for flatties around the slacker water period in the afternoon


But I am new to the Island fishing so am willing to accept advice,instruction


Charlie biggrin.gif


hmmm - rips are a little East of your track Charlie........... biggrin.gif


We tend to just run over watching the sounder until I see a mackerel schoal - worked last time and it took little time for AWOL and Phaeton to have enough for the 3 days (although we got more as we fished).


weather will play a part in many peoples plans, as will the inevitable unexpected - mangling a pair of duo props and knocking the skeg clean of the drive in the middle of the harbour cost me 1 1/2 hours last time we crossed........ until I know the wind I won't know which banks and from that which tide and therefore time etc etc etc

Running straight over to fish the banks we usually start on the SW casquettes as heading straight past Alderney to the Schole always seems depressing and will require a little planning even on Saturday's tide for the Swinge - let alone Race! Passing West of the casquettes rock is much less tide dependent. Ortac to SE casquettes is reasonably OK unless wot.







Weather ???????? .........and this morning it's back to looking more pleasant again !


They must put it to bed with a pleasant outlook...........then make it look nasty when they wake up with a thick head!


I'll stop looking until the middle of next week [ I wish!] .... and stop my hopes going up and down !


Charlie.... it must be worse for skippers' planning ??




From what I can make out skippers just leave it till the night before anyway and tend not to worry too much before hand. More than likely they'd be out the day before and know the sea conditions but as you say it is a pain in the butt. Sunday for instance, over here a wash out till last night and then it is on again, not that I look ahead too often wink.giftongue.gif


Yes Alan its hard to keep off the long range forecast


and hard to guess what the weekend will bring at any time


Mark the lets have a look in the morning approach is OK for the odd trip but when trying to arrange 5 boats or more accross the channel a bit more communication and planning is required


I am sure everyone is as keen to get a chance to visit the Alderney fishing grounds as The boys and I are.


How is the cloudy water? and fishing generally, or should we ask after you get out on Sunday?


Tight lines

Charlie biggrin.gif


Do those that are going fancy meeting a bit early next Thursday to discuss this trip over a pint.


Charlie biggrin.gif


I will try and get there early, what time did you have in mind Charlie


Getting really excited now and can hardly wait, so much so that I am almost tempted to go now laugh.gif


Well all the planing seems to be coming on, I have had the paper charts out with Tom and the various wrecksites/data bases

Would appreciate any wreck numbers you can share although Dean and I passed over some very large lumps on our slow troll back last year, all marked on the charts and almost spot on the co-ords




Alderney novice question coming up, no idea on the marks/species so - should I take the uptider with me?



Alderney novice question coming up, no idea on the marks/species so - should I take the uptider with me?



As it's your boat you get to choose!


Seriously though it depends on what you will be fishing for.


Some will want to drift the wrecks for pollack and cod


Then there's anchoring the wrecks for conger


Drifting with bait for ling.


All the above is a matter of personal taste as to what you use from dedicated gear for each to a long soft 30lb class for all three


Then there is drifting the banks for flats or bass - you will be drifting between 15 and 150 ft of depth. Using my own boat I like to fish light and enjoy any fish I hook to the full. On a charter boat this is a little selfish as everyone else is waiting on you to land the thing so the boat can go round again....


To me it's feel, feel and feel both before and after hooking up. Also as you are holdin the rod all day lightness helps! In my case it's a St Croix med/stiff action 6-10lb class (about 1oz) with a 400s calcutta and 14lb braid. 3 oz weight.


Overall any 12 - 15lb class rod with a light multiplyer and braid will do the trick.


It's worth having a long rod to fish for the launce - uptider is perfect. use at least 8oz and preferably 12 on the feathers or you will get the whole lot tangled on the first fish!


having said all the above PaulJ's tuna pole does the job pretty well too!!!!!!


Hi Martin


I can not get to the meeting before 1900

Its my birthday and I do not want to P wendy off


Ref the numbers, is everyone happy to share a few on Thursday


I have not been before so mine are word of mouth etc.


Duncan/Martin where have you stopped for bait and to break u the journey on previous trips,


Martin do you know what lumps you found?

If you are happy to PM me the numbers I will look on my two big data bases and the web to try and get you some more details and names.



Getting well excited , yesterday when we were out on flat calm seas we were tempted to head off south, not sure Wendy or Sam would have liked a call from Alderney



Nice report Mark thanks,


It will help us to make a plan for our visit


It looks like my decision to make up some tope traces yesterday in the garage may have been a good one.


I believe that the general cocensus is to mix up the fishing to try to maximise the variety and enjoyment


Can not wait biggrin.gif


Charlie biggrin.gif


As it's your boat you get to choose!


Seriously though it depends on what you will be fishing for.



Thanks Duncan, nice little master class for me. I might even manage to put some of the suggestions into practice over the coming weekend smile.gif It would be good to move up one level on the competence level cool.gif


Can anyone suggest a source of bulk ice in the Blandford or Hamworthy areas so that I can top my icebox up on the way to the boat on Friday?


Just looked at the tides and where you might be fishing it will be well worth bringing a 25lb to 40lb weight (depending on size of boat) to drag if you decide to do the flatfish during the run of the tide.


When are you all meeting to discuss trip? Do you need me to try and point you in the right direction? I've noted you like the idea of the varied fishing so maybe I can put a plan together if Adam rings again. We can also meet for a beer Saturday night somewhere.


more weight onboard........oh dear. wink.gif


I only have a 56lb one and I really don't fancy either handling it or having aboard all weekend.


Can I use the the anchor on a short rode?

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