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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Fished out of Lymington on Saturday. Launched late AM andf caught the last of the flooding tide.

Flat calm conditions.


Few drifts past the sconse buoy and plenty of mackeral found then off to Sowley for the rays / smoothhounds.


Anchored in slack tide and as the tide started to ebb we were into Bream of around 2 to 3 lb size. Then the wind picked up blowing against the tide and no longer flat calm.


No more bites after this. Fished for another hour and half and had a heart stopping moment with some idiots in a yacht. They decided to change tack whilst heading straight at us, the wind was working against the tide so their yacht was on a direct course to cut the boat in two sad.gif

They then turned the boat with around 20 ft between them and us and how they missed my anchor rope god only knows. I was ready to jump out the boat it was that close. We are not talking small yacht either - around 50 foot long.


After this had a nice choppy ride back to Lymington when we heard there had been a collision between two boats near Hurst Castle ( one was convinced he was going down fast and was calling Mayday on the radio ). I still wondering if it was the same yacht - who knows ?


Fortunately the lifeboat got to the sinking boat, which turned out to be not sinking as bad as first feared ( hole was above water line ).


So quite an eventful day in all.


I was with a friend ( who expressed his feelings quite loudly !! ).

They did say "sorry" as they almost sliced through my anchor rope. My friend's reply was unprintable !!







Paul if you are ever in that position again ohmy.gif (God forbid ) give them some of your bait as a passing jesture biggrin.gif ,far better than any form of language, and it may make them more observent in future.


Glad you got out of your close call OK Paul.


The last two close calls I have had with Yachts, have both been with French boats. and both this month.


I am sure that they did not understand all of what I was yelling at them as they sailed straight at my boat at anchor. but I am also sure the hand signals were clear enough.


I think I may resort to the old handfull of mackerel heads in the sails next time. Yachty's would hate that as much as we hate being run down at anchor.




I had 2 in as many minutes on the Sun of the 48hr. Sat at anchor off Xchurch when a small fotilla came past - the last 2 were online for my bow....I started the engine and was ready to welly it to aviod a collision - as you said, a few heart stopping moments!...in the end both of them missed me by about 10 feet. I just stood in sheer disbelief!!! mad.gif


I think when faced with a large expance of 'wild blue yonder' many helmsmen seem to want some thing to aim at. We all know that the gin palaces truckers and weekend yachties are not that skilled or for that matter conscious of other water users and I think they see an anchored boat as just another waypoint or handy bouy to use as a referance. Rather than wait passively to see if they have noticed me I am quite happy to give 'em a blast wiv me hooter. Well it certainly makes me feel better any road up laugh.gif


Mad Mike

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