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A diver friend was telling me about an old oil exploration rig he dived on some time ago behind the Needles. Apparantly it was last used in the 1970's and may well be worth fishing over.


Anyone tried fishing it?


Does anyone have a location / GPS co-ords for it (or what's left of it)?



I can't imagine why it would be there at all?


I do remember the oil companies exploring th bay and across to the Isle of Wight to determine the extent of the Wytch Farm deposit.


All using jack-up rigs - I don't remember any semi-submersible types. - anyway once an area has been explored they jack the legs up and float off to another location. Far too expensive to leave any of it behind!




T'was well to the west in Poole Bay only a few miles from Poole entrance.


After it went, the site was marked with a buoy ( yellow A frame with plaque) not sure if it's still there.

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