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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Hi all,


Out of interest what would be the maximum wind strength you would go fishing from Poole?


Looking on Windguru it seems it will be a Force 3 WSW wind on Saturday with wve heights upt to 2.3 mtrs


Are we still on for Saturday if it is ok?


Noticed Weymorth has higher wind strength of Force 4






I would think you will be slipping at Baiter slip, its probably the only one available to you at a reasonable cost. I pay for an annual pass at cobbs quay so I will launch there and meet you in the area off of baiter. Paul J knows what my boat looks like. High water at Poole entrance on saturday is 1011 with high low water being 1713. The tides are quite large so you will need to allow around 1 - 1.5 hrs either side of low water at the slip to ensure enough water.


As the tides are large I would suggest we get a reasonably early start to get on to a deep water mark of off swanage to catch the end of the ebb and the start of the flood. Then as the tide picks up if it becomes uncomfortable to fish we can sort out an inshore mark. You should take plenty of fuel, the marks I am thinking of are spread out abit but you will love the scenery so worth it on two counts.


As for bait hopefully we will catch mackerel but I shall also be taking squid, sand eels and a few ragworms. I can pick up some bait for you tommorrow (friday) if you let me know what and how much you want.


Let me know what time you want to meet and we will take it from there.


Rich are you still up for this trip with Dean and I?




I think I will try and come guys....its about 70% at the moment. If so Ill meet Coddy at the slip and give him a hand - its always nice to have someone around when at a new venue.


I will confirm Fri eve. The weather is SW Force 4, so may not be too nice, best to play it by ear. I will also need crew for the day, any takers?


Martin, yes please, I will grab some fresh Rag, and some sandeels, if Adam hasn't got crew, and needs a hand, I'll crew for him, if thats ok. We'll chat tonight at the meeting. I also have the gen re. the club clothing from the firm that does my gear, see what you think.


Regards, Rich


Hi Paul


I should be ok to get to Baiter slip thanks


If someone could get me some rag and sand eels I would be gratefull, I have penty of squid so I will bring some with me.


What time would you all suggest to meet? I am coming from Morton so I expect it will take 1/2 to 2/3hr to get to the slip or am I being optomistic?


I suppose I will need a lot of change for the parking meter mad.gif


It will be easy to spot me, I have a white Warrior 165 towed by a red Laguna.


I am about 6ft 2ins and skinny, so my wife says wink.gif


I am looking forward to meeting some of you.







Meet you at the slip for 7am?


We will have to be back at the slip for no later than 4pm as we will run out of Water


from 5pm.




any chance of getting us 4 packs of Sandeels and 40 rag?


The mackeral should be out to play so that should be fine along with the squid.



call you tomorrow eve for a weather check


Paul J




Is that quantity for you or for the boat? I will check posts early 2morrow and pick up bait pm so if you dont post 2night or before 7.30 fri text me.


I will see you off baiter at around 7.30 on sat then




Hi Paul


Roger will do at 7.00am (yawn) unsure.gif


I think I will be able to use outlaws pc on Friday so will check again if any changes smile.gif











The weather is not looking good for Sat sad.gif


Force 4-6 SW. sad.gif


Any chance we could play Sun instead?, The forecast is for 3's dropping to 1's later in the day?


I'm off to Manchester niow, will check again tonight and see what the score is.




Martin, its looking decidedly blowy here in Southampton at present. I'm ok for either Sat or Sund, its your call. I'll bag some Raggies from Poingdesters, and grab a few packs of larger sandeels, meantime, I'll ring you to discuss events re. crewing.


Ta muchly, Rich


Well Boys I think saturday is a no no as far as weather is concerned. I won't collect bait.


Dave could you do Sunday? the weather looks much better then. If we decide to fish sunday bait can be obtained sat afternoon.



tongue.giftongue.gif Lads, cannot fish on Sunday but plenty of fish in Portland harbour if you are stuck. A young lad caught a 15.5lb thornback from the shore at Sandsfoot last week. Plenty of bass, mackerel, pollack and a few bream starting to show. Some decent wrasse from the rocky sections and plenty of mullet. You will need to groundbait up to hold these though. Decent bull huss from back of bank. Blondes from the Adamant and tope from back of Adamant. Regards to all. BB cool.gif

Hi all


Agreed that Saturday from Poole looks very iffy. sick.gif


Paul J rang me to say he wont make Saturday due to weather conditions.


Just been up to Portland to look at the sea state and Chesil side is rough!!!


Portland/Weymouth calm as you like.


If anyone fances a trip out Saturday around Portland give me a call 07770 948591


Otherwise I am up for Sunday but would need to get back reasonably early as I have to travel home mad.gif





Meant to ask, what time to meet at the slip on Sunday?



LW at Poole is 05.44am

HW at Poole is 11.24am

LW at Poole is 18.10am


I would like to be in at 4pm latest.





Sun suits me fine chaps. I also wouldnt mind being in early-ish.


Suggest launch at 7am, back in at 4pm latest?


Weather is forecast 3-5 WSW, so it wont be lovely, but should be bearable.


Coddy, meet up at the slip at 7am Sun?



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