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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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It looks like a Jeanneau, but from its side, it likes it begins with 'C'.


I've been told it's 650kg w/o engine, what would the minimum hp be for it to plane, and maybe at something like 20knots+?



Looks a bit like an Arvour if I've spelt that right.

Is it set up for an inboard or an outboard engine?


If an O/B I reckon that one would need to be talking about an 80hp at least.


If it was an inboard about a 150HP petrol or a 225HP diesel.


Mad Mike


I thought of an Arvor initially, but Arvor doesn't have a glass all round wheelhouse, some part of it is grp.


I saw it advertised for 7k boat only and I was tempted ....... I was thinking 7k + 3k for an ob around 70hp and it would make an wonderful fishing boat for 10k.


P.S. been told it's an ob set up.


To cut a long story short, my wife and I have decided the Shetland isn't for us. We both want something quite a bit faster. My wife is just as a keen fisherman(woman) as I am. It's probably uneconimical to make it up to speed. We will sell our shetland and buy something faster.


We budgeted 8k plus whatever we can get for the shetland (hopefully close to 2k). We have done some research into different boats and what we require from a boat.


My brief: A boat I can go fishing in, must be fast around 20+knots (the faster the better tongue.gif ), stable at sea in most condition. I'm not too bother whether it has a wheel house or under cover, as I'm unlikely to go out in it in the rain or adverse weather.


Her brief: a boat she can go fishing in, doubling up as a fun boat for the whole family. Something nice and comfortable, also we will be taking the kids out from time to time, so a high side is a must, somewhere they can sleep when they become tired. The cuddy must be high, reason being we have a potti in the shetland but it's impossible for her to use cos the cuddy is only about 4' high. A cover would be an advantage.


We looked at the Quicksilver , Jeanneau, Arvor, raider, sealine, bayliner,.... We ruled out the raiders cos they don't have cuddy (nowhere for her to take a wee). I like the Quicksilver/jeanneau, but can't afford any of the pilot house type, only the 4xx cabin or cruisers, but she doesn;t like them cos they have low roofs. Arvor too dear, I myself quite like the bayliner trophy, but the missus has her eyes on a sealine 18 or a bayliner 2155 ciera.


The good news are that they are within my budget, they both can go 30+, stable at sea and longer trips/ranges are possible if desire. The bad news are that both have small deck space, no more than 8' x 6'.


Now, only if I can convince the missus about the unknown craft ...... I might, just might be in business. dry.gif


Here's a pic of a 2155



The fun of choosing a boat!, so many needs and wants!. I went through a similar process when looking at my last boat, you really have to decide your main priorities and then look from there. I looked at Merry Fishers, and they were just within my budget, but it was too big to trail and the fishing space was smaller than the Warrior.


Have a look at plenty of boats in the flesh, try and test drive a few, and write down a list of your needs from most important to least.


BTW - The raider 18's can come with a cabin, they do 3/4 differant designs.


The blue boat above looks like a Galia 640 to me. They are quite a new boat on the market and are available from Salterns Marina in Poole. There was a feature a few months back in Sea Angler also.




Martin, just out of interest, what is the smallest car you'd been able to trail Maverick on? If I remember right you said it is around a 1 1/4 T?!


Ah! - Almost right!


Glad you found it though....where the is the boat being sold? Are you considering it? It looks on par with the smaller merry fishers? At a good price also!




As for engines, the merry fishers can run with as little as 50hp, so I would suggets possibly 60hp as a minimum, this should get it to plane, but the performance may be a little lack-lustre, I rekon something like a 90hp would give it a decent kick with anything over 100 giving serious power, and also a little in reserve, but then you start climbing up in o/b prices!




Maverick is over 1.5 tonnes so you would need a fairly large vehicle to tow one of that weight. I have towed it behind a volvo 940 2.5L 170bhp from the factory to home and that was ok. I now have a volvo 850 2.5 140 bhp and that is better than the 940? probably because the 850 is a diesel the 940 petrol the diesel having more torque at lower revs?. Used to use a VW transporter (van) 2.5 litre 88 bhp although it was within the manufacturers stated towing range it did not like the hills at all. The vehicle I use now is a VW T30 (van) 2.5 litre 130bhp and that does the job with no problem.


As you can see all the vehicles I use are 2.5L deisels (except the 940) but you also need the bhp




Galia 640 is I believe the same hull as Fletcher were using for the Dellquay 660 Sportfish (my previous craft). They stick a hardtop on it and bobs your.....


As already said it isn't one - mymoney is on the Ocet..... thingy between 5 and 6 metres.


RE: Towing ability as a guide the Ford Mondeo 2.0 TDCI is 130 BHP and can tow up to 1800 KG - didn't get European tow car of the yer for nothing !


Would be fun on a steep slippery slipway with that sort of weight though as only FWD.




Seen it on telly, if fwd car start to spin/slip, get someone to sit on the bonnet for extra weights/grip.


Not recommended if you have a nice shiny bonnet ...... blink.gif

Seen it on telly, if fwd car start to spin/slip, get someone to sit on the bonnet for extra weights/grip.


Not recommended if you have a nice shiny bonnet ...... blink.gif

Re crewing for Paul D ohmy.gif


So that's why he makes me sit on the bonnet in me underpants!! And I thought he was just kinky laugh.gif


Mad Mike

Seen it on telly, if fwd car start to spin/slip, get someone to sit on the bonnet for extra weights/grip.


Not recommended if you have a nice shiny bonnet ......  blink.gif

Re crewing for Paul D ohmy.gif


So that's why he makes me sit on the bonnet in me underpants!! And I thought he was just kinky laugh.gif


Mad Mike

Count yourself lucky he ain't tying you to the front of the boat as lady luck .....


Second thought, what a horrible sight ..... sick.gif




I have used the volvo and it does tow ok the only problem is that is is front wheel drive so if used on a slippy slip you would have to rope the trailer to keep the vehicle on ground with grip




Thanks Martin.


At least I know if I decided to go for a larger boat I have the option of roping it up the slipway with my passat.


Now the only other problem is the boats I wanted to view are down at St Austell, which is over 4 hours from here. blink.gif wonder if the missus fancys a drive thru hants, dorest,devon and cornwall......

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