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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Hi Simon have a look at some of the "chew on this" ones from the states a bit extreme but entertaining, 500lb Goliath grouper 1000lb Hammerhead etc


Personally I would like to see a bass show presented by this young lady, who would even notice if she could fish laugh.gif and would anyone care what content the show had ohmy.gif





Thank you Charlie, I like I like! biggrin.gif


This will definately have to be part of my educational viewing to improve my angeling skills!!!


Who knows what I will landing at the end of my rod after watching this. ohmy.gif


he is a noddy!!!!! And i have it on good authority that one of our best known faces can't get his 5 episode programme commisioned but robson green can!


robson green presenting a fishing programme is the equivilent of john wilson starring in soldier soldier!


I certainly won't be wasting my evening watching it!


I found this weeks show from the USA pretty gruesome.


spear fishing barracuda and culling carp with bow and arrows just aint sport as far as im concerned.


The amount of dead fish shown is bound to generate complaints


I only saw the 2nd half of the show but what i did see was disappointing which is a shame






I thought it gave all the wrong messages to be honest. Especially holding up a carp and saying what a beautiful fish it was - despite the hole through the middle where it had been speared and was it me, but they then threw the fish into a container without even dispatching it first.


I abstained last nights show and stuck to Dragons Den which was also about cruelty to animals, but more humiliation than injury.


I've heard of a shark that was gaffed and returned(?), another that was seen swimming dragging a trace, hunting carp with a bow, shooting a moorhen with a rifle.....



Why and how did this ever make mainstream tellie.


If anyone does want to register a complaint about the harm the show is doing then on a thread of a very similar name on WSF is some contact details.




I watched this ..... incredulous!!! As Tom says.... How did this stuff get through; it was MUCH worse than that BBC docu that was on donkeys years ago, called 'The Shooting Party' about the 'Toffs' that went boat fishing and ended up shooting seagulls......... and that got hammered!


It started off on the theme of subsistence \ survival of people catching fish for the table .......went on to discuss culling 'pest' species then went downhill fast with use of the gaff....... No nets or T-bars used.


Perhaps someone needs to be fed to the sharks?? No mention of their being endangered \ threatened species.


'Extreme viewing' might be a better title......... or extreme catching, extreme behaviour......or extreme[ly] upsetting !!


Some nice scenery though.........or am I just missing the Sun too much?




I have to agree with the consensus that last night's offering was indeed dire. Perhaps when it leaves the USA, things will get more acceptable (until they reach China).


One point, however, is the shock at the content; my grouse would be showing it on mainstream UK TV. As someone who has hunted and fished in the Southern USA for over 45 years, it comes as no surprise to me to see the cavalier way in which quarry species are treated. I don't include the big game resorts and boats/skippers in this as others have a lot more experience than I. I have, however, spent a lot of time with 'redneck' hunters and fishermen and speak from a lot of experience.


A quite large percentage of the American 'sportsmen' have this attitude and see nothing wrong in it. I have seen deer and wild hogs gralloched before being finished off and fish being filleted without being dispatched. I have also seen a hog dog having it's insides pushed back in and sewn up with needle and thread after tangling with a large boar hog (and it survived).


They have all the hunter/killer instincts of the British sportsmen but without the culture of humanity and respect for one's quarry. Outside of the towns and cities, culture is not something the majority hold in great esteem so it is not surprising it hasn't rubbed off on them. Yes, I know this is a big generalisation but, in the Southern states, it is, regrettably, pretty prevalent. And the programme was featuring Louisiana. Show the same in Massachusetts and an entirely different picture would emerge.


I wish the other forum luck with their petition; they may influence what is shown on our TV (although I doubt it) but they won't stop this attitude as nobody there will see it. News is very parochial in those areas. They would do better writing to Channel 5 and suggest a warning of content, at least.








It's a Glaswegian production company and a north of England "Actor", making a programme for channel 5 in the UK.


I totally take your point about rednecks and the lack of culture, but why does that mean Robson Green can become one and then air the rubbish on UK TV, tarring us with the renecks brush.


By the way, it isn't a petition, it is simply contact details for the production company and channel 5 if anyone wished to complain.




In which case I will make use of it and vote with my pen (or keyboard).


It's not quite as bad as the channel 5 programme (thankfully on very late) that I saw some time ago that followed a cow through an abbatoir, no holds barred. But that at least followed the 'codes' of humanity which society puts on such places.


I suppose we can be thankful that Robson Green's budding angling pundit career will be short lived. He's really shot himself in the foot with this one. I'm rather upset that I treated last weeks offering with such open mindedness. Perhaps it will get better (there I go again, sorry).



Posted (edited)

Oh Terry


Reading your comments is the first time I've smiled whilst think about this excuse for entertainment.


Showing the culture is one thing, but showing it with even the mildest hint that this is how us anglers go about our sport is not on IMHO.


Oh well, I doubt whether the show will be pulled, but if people do show their disgust then it may not get rerun or a second series...


Just for the record, I don't think anyone has an issue with keeping fish, spearfishing or even bow fishing (assuming both the latter are for the table).

It is the manner in which it's done and the lack of respect for the catch afterwards.

Edited by TomBettle

I haven't seen the it yet.


To be honest, before I joined I hadn't given much thought to a lot of the points raised within the club on conservation/sustainability/dispatching etc... having been brought up in France until my early teens and then on to Spain, they certainly didn't seem to have the same respect as far as I recall. It's great that the club raises the profile of these issues.


I use to enjoy spearfishing as a teenager and always though of it as giving the fish a sporting chance... well in fact a GREAT sporting chance as I never managed to catch many. sad.gif Now, if I ever did this again I would certainly dispatch any catch asap and as for gaffing and returning, shocking!!! I can't see any excuse for that.


I do wonder were the line is drawn on dispatching though? For instance, why dispatch a bass but not mackerel? I am yet to understand the difference.

Posted (edited)

Just for the record and to save people hunting (pardon the punn):


1) Complaints to channel five:



22 Long Acre




0845 7 050505

0207 421 7270



2) Complaints to the producers



Nicky Murphy, Isla O'Hara

St. George's Studios

93-97 St. George's Road


G3 6JA


Phone : 0141 353 3222

Email : mailglasgow@iwcmedia.co.uk

Fax : 0141 353 3221


3) The Commissioning Editor at 5 who should also be copied in is:





....am I beginning to come across a bit like Barbara Woodhouse? blink.gif

Edited by TomBettle

My concern about the spearfishing was that it was for big barracuda.


These are known to have toxins that are potentially fatal so i wasn't sure that these fish were for the table.

Perhaps thats whats wrong with these people they've been eating too many posionous fish biggrin.gif


The oil rigs took me back to my time in California so i enjoyed that bit with the tuna and amberjack


Trust the yanks to spoil it, bound to better next week and hey, it's got us talking



I do wonder were the line is drawn on dispatching though? For instance, why dispatch a bass but not mackerel? I am yet to understand the difference.

I don't think I'm the only one, Simon, but I always dispatch mackerel before consigning them to the cool box. I make no distinction between species. I know some do just chuck them in a bucket and let them gasp their life away but would like to think it's not the majority.



....am I beginning to come across a bit like Barbara Woodhouse? blink.gif

The well known dog trainer? Or perhaps you meant Mrs. Whitehouse biggrin.gif






Can only agree that it showed our sport in a very bad light and will only give ammunition to the 'antis'. Why they included the bit with the trigger-happy self-confessed 'killer' I'll never know--there wasnt any fishing done in that clip. The gaffed shark was a disgrace as it was released maimed and the lack of respect shown to the quarry left flapping with various degrees of damage in the fish box beggared belief. Come back John Wilson, laugh and all, you are forgiven!!




Worryingly, I've just finished speaking to my sister in Florida regarding our forthcoming trip. She informed me that she has a friend who wants to take me out to the flats fishing and hunting on his air boat. Gulp! Perhaps it will be an opportunity for a little diplomatic education. A cultural exchange, if you will. ph34r.gif



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