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Any one having problems with Ntl?


I have been a customer for many years and have everything with them


Phone, Cable tv and broadband.


I am a patient person, but im having some many problems with the broadband conection at the moment that im going to change. The conection either isn't available or keeps dropping the signal, it's up and down like a yo yo.


I'm getting plenty grief from the kids ! sad.gif


Im happy with the phone and tv it's just the broadband that's got to go!


any recomendations?




Paul J




Im with Wannadoo, no problems, quite happy. AOL are doing unlimited at the moment for 19.99 per month. Id look for one with free connection though, thats what I got, and it worked out pretty reasonable.






My friend had a problem with NTL and his computer was actually interfering with the TV signal. NTL said he must have the Blaster worm. I thought they were just leading him on, but he did indeed have this.


Worth a check. Youhave updated your operating system I presume to prevent the RPC vulnerability ?


Worth a check :- Blaster worm eradication tool


I am with BT and they have been fine ( apart from when the telephone pole was taken down for 2 days smile.gif )


Would love bb, but they don't do it over where I live, BT wants 200 orders before they will consider.


I have been told AOL connection can lead to problems with message boards/chatrooms. Something about not able to log on or being barred all together, something to do with cookies I believe.

Would love bb, but they don't do it over where I live, BT wants 200 orders before they will consider.


I have been told AOL connection can lead to problems with message boards/chatrooms. Something about not able to log on or being barred all together, something to do with cookies I believe.

AOL is a bit of a 'big brother' outfit. They lock you in to their systems and are IMO far too invasive. And boy do they make it difficult if you want to leave. Kept on drawing on my DD even though the account had been cancelled. Only small claims court action got my money back.

Mad Mike


BT has to tell you how near the 200 applications they have. A friend of mine in Yorkshire found out that they only needed 30 or so more for his area and went out and canvassed and got the extra numbers required within a month.



I am on BT now called BTYahoo.


Very small problems when we first started but it does get slow when all the kids are home from school! mad.gif




I have just found out that you need to check your BT spam blocker regularly as I and another person have found a number of emails from known people who have for some reason been thrown into the "Bulk" folder which if left will be deleted!


Bit of a hassle but you have to train the blocker!!


Hope it helps





I am with BT but am not aware that it's BT Yahoo...........when did this happen and does that mean I can now use a BT smtp mail server from Outlook somehow?


Hi Duncan


Go to this site http://www.btyahoo.com/welcome2 click on the registered window and log on using your full email address including the @btinternet.com or openworld.com etc.

Type in your password and you should be there


If you have not registered you may have to do this


If you are on talk21 then this is differant you need to be on Broadband I think!





Thanks Coddy, but I don't have a Btinternet email addy. I set up broadband via Btopenworld when it was a more basic service and I was wondering if maybe I now have access to services (including eMail) that weren't originally in the package? From memory Btinternet was retailing at about




You will have a mail server available ( and will have had one all the time ). The SMTP and POP3 mail server is mail.btinternet.com I think. Use the same username / password as you use for dial up. The e-mail address will be <username>@btinternet.com


On the subject of e-mail, we can actually provide PBSBAC e-mail accounts at a small cost ( minimal donation to cover costs of web site ). Anyone interested ? ( eg. duncan@pbsbac.co.uk )





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