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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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We had our PDI with Volvo this morning - the helpful guys from Salterns spending an hour onboard to make sure we had fitted it correctly, and then a short run up the harbour to check temps and revs - a little short of WOT at 3600 rpm - 4000 is max, so it seems we are 2" over on the prop - still we hit 32 knots, which was pleasing! biggrin.gif


Both getting used to the larger boat and the new novelty of a mooring and marinas, so off to Salterns to fuel up - another first.


And so off for the first fishing trip. Just a close inshore trip as Bob needed to get back, so we settled in on the Dolphin bank about 4 miles from the chains. In 3 short hours we managed to christen the boat with a plump whiting, and ended up with half a dozen plump whiting, a few dogs, 1 pout and the star of the day to me..... a COD!! What a way to break in a new boat! Not a big fish at 4/5lb but a good start!


A nice fast run home, washdown and off home - god I love marina berthing! tongue.gif


Merry Christmas to all! biggrin.gif


Hi Guys nice to talk to you today while you fished on your excellent new boat


Congratulations both, on getting the deck a bit fishy.


Hope to see you out there soon



Great Result Guys


Somehow I didn't think it would take you long to Christen the boat but First Trip and on the Dolphin Sands thats a pretty good result


Merry Christmas One Asand ALL



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