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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Well we had a long running thread for Alderney 2007 and 2008, and now finally after years of dreaming and waiting I'll be in a position to make the trip for myself this year!


The logistics are better known by those who have been before now, but I still think its a good idea to log the trip here.


Date wise, I guess we will keep an eye on the catch reports but as per previous years will aim for the May bank holiday weekend or close to it.


I'd suggest as previous we aim to leave early one day 1, fish the wrecks over the channel, with maybe a few hours on the banks before in to Braye for beer and food. Day 2 fish around the island, day 3 reverse of day 1.


I'll stay on the boat, but I'm sure a few will want to use the accomidation above Alderney Angling.



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I'll hope to be running over at least once this year. Missed last year.

I would hope to get two days on the banks as I'll only be going really for flatties so may stay an extra day.


Aim for a small tide in early May (or later May for some early time on the Cod banks).




Hi all


I know that feeling Adam biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


Please add Alfresco to the list biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


Work affects the dates I can go but a slightly smaller tide than last year would be prefered.


I do not expect Sam to be available [but he will have first refusal] as the Navy will probably have sent him somewhere.


Dan and I are very keen, we will be sleeping onboard but will possibly have space for two more to fish if they are happy to arrange accomadation ashore.


Looking forward too it already

Charlie biggrin.gif


Please add my name to list of potential crew.


I am flexible to any date \ time ... but, like Tom, would like to have two days on the banks.. to make it worth the long journey.


A smaller tide than last year's would be good.


.......but I'll happily go whenever anyone offers a trip.




Thanks for the interest guys


I am sure others will also be interested as time approaches so if other boats are thinking of going more crew spaces may become available.

I have been in contact with a contact on Alderney to see what their fuel prices are currently, I will let you know.


I have just had a quick look at the new tide book and the First Bank holiday in May is a neap tide biggrin.gif

The second is quite a big spring sad.gif

also a neap on 16/17th


I can not remember what events I have on at work, but I may start to look at the first weekend.

Better go and take the tree down and push the hoover around I may need to bank some brownie points laugh.gifbiggrin.giflaugh.gif




Hi Craig & Jackie.........don't worry , you'll get plenty of offers from crew with experience........... and as we go as a group of boats, you can always buddy up for safety and security.


Happy New Year to you both.




We now have a number of boats in the club capable of making the run across the channel, so for those who havent done it or dont know what exactly is involved, here is a rough idea:


The run from the chain ferry to Braye Harbour is about 60 miles. Apart from the last few miles Poole end, this is in exposed channel and sea conditions. Hugely dependant on sea conditions, but in reasonable conditions the run can be done in just over 4 hours, however most times we are hopping across the various wrecks in the channel to break up the journey. If it blows up it can get really nasty - esp. Alderney end making the journey alot slower.


The run over and back is just a part of the trip though. Fishing around the island usually invloves a reasonable amount of steaming, so this needs to be factored in. Even in fair conditions, it is usually the tide that causes big seas around the islands. Hugely varing bottom contours, rocky outcrops and massive tides can cause 'interesting conditions'....


This is'nt meant to be scaremongery to put people off just to give an idea of what can be effected. In flat calm conditions the whole trip is a real joy.... if it blows up you can feel a million miles from home in our small boats.


Accomidation on the island is available, but needs a little prior planning anf booking. Staying on the boat is easy enough if you dont mind roughing it. Bear in mind getting to and from the dock needs either a tender or the water taxi.


I've been pondering this over the last few days and I'm keen to make this a 4 day trip to make the most of being over there, and enabling 2 days on the banks as well as the wrecks and tope etc...


As it stands currently, Joint Venture will be aiming to head over on Friday 1st May leaving early (circa 6am) and returning Monday 4th evening.


All weather dependant of course!!



I think I will do the same as Adam, and take Court Jester across for the 4 days


Last year was a bit too rushed for my liking. As skipper you spend more time at the helm than fishing. Especially when much of it was outside the normal comfort zones of fishing locally.


It would seem that the early Bank Holiday will give much smaller tides so it should be much more pleasant all round.


Space on-board for a couple of crew.


I may also take advantage of the local B & B accommodation this time, so may have to book / confirm early!






I'll be staying onboard, but those who will want B&B would do well to drop Mark Harding a line at Alderney Angling. PM me if you want his mobile, but I'll drop him an email in the next few days letting him know of ou plans.


I think he can take 5 or 6. He also has the advantage that he doesnt charge if the trip is cancelled due to weather - most of the hotels and B&B's will.


Also bear in mind the Armoury is'nt an option as they closed it.... sad.gif


I did find it rushed last time, but for the effort of going over, why not spend another day after the turbos!! biggrin.gif


I think JV will have space for 1 more, but Ive already had a couple of requests.


You need a Dean


What for? to help the island with its beer consumption wink.giflaugh.gif

If Sam is around he may give Dean more of a hand this time tongue.gif after all he has been in the Navy for 6 months now and has been practicing hard on the Guiness.




I would love to head over for 4 days/nights, but may have a problem with work and with FPO as 1st is my birthday and she may not want to be up at 5 to give me a pressy. laugh.gif or come down to load the food requiired for that sort of trip. ph34r.gif


However if that is the general consensus and the weather plays ball we may have to see what we can do, I feel sure Wendy would rather us go in company than alone.

I had better get Dan working on his Mum tongue.giftongue.gif


Charlie cool.gif


I am interested in making the trip again with Marsel 2 and building on the experiences of last time (and maybe catching some fish as well). A 4 day trip would also be preferable for me. Room for 2 crew (fishing and overnight). Much as I like Alderney I am also considering Guernsey harbours as an option.




As you say Alderney is nice but for reasons of berthing and facilities Guernsey has the edge. Only problem there is Alderney around 58 miles Guernsey another 29 miles. Also the distance to travel to the banks is about double from Guernsey. I would say if winds are favorable for overnight in Braye then that (at least cost wise) is the better option but if winds from the N/E are expected then Guernsey may have the edge, or a mix of the two?


Anyhow for now here


Nice picture Martin


It sounds like we could get a convoy going over. and a real chance to get most of the interested/available Members an opportunity to join in.


I will try and look out a pic of Braye in 2008 laugh.gif





Don't ignore the opportunity of a berth in Diellette if Alderney isn't wanted/needed every night.


Massive harbour walls, all tide access to outer marina, half-tide access to very sheltered inner marina, the best Moules Frites in Normandy, you're South of the Alderney Race already, and bus/taxi to Cherbourg (and ferries) if you get stuffed by weather (remembering that Cap de la Hague can be evil in a blow, and leaving boats in Cherbourg itself might therefore not be possible).


Diellette is one of my favourite stopovers, even though the place is small.


If you're sleeping aboard in good weather, there's also cheap mooring buoys to the East and West of Sark (choose depending on wind/swell) which can give you other options for early departures or different fishing grounds. See Pilots and Almanacs for details



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