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With all the talk of being seen on your boat by other boats would AIS be part of this answer only i have AIS fitted and find it very good i am now thinking of putting on a AIT250 AIS TRANSPONDER SYS (CLASS cool.gif that will give my information to others with AIS ie big ships





What do you think of AIS on a small boat Graham?


It sounds good and I like the system - but is it better than radar / worth have with a radar?


How much and where from?


Can I interface it with my Lowrance kit?


When delivering the infamous Troms Explorer cat to Norway with Tom we found the AIS sytem interfaced with the plotter invaluable. We could see all shipping movements and avoid problems. We never had the radar switched on once and could see all movements around us a bit like a space invader game, absolutely brilliant bit of kit especially at night.


If I didn't have the current expense of engine overhaul I would be investing in a unit




Found the following on the internet:


Broadcast information

AIS transceiver sends the following data every 2 to 10 seconds depending on vessels speed while underway, and every 3 minutes while vessel is at anchor. This data includes:


The vessel's Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI) - a unique nine digit identification number.

Navigation status - "at anchor", "under way using engine(s)", "not under command", etc

Rate of turn - right or left, 0 to 720 degrees per minute

Speed over ground - 0.1-knot (0.19 km/h) resolution from 0 to 102 knots (189 km/h)

Position accuracy

Longitude - to 1/10000 minute and Latitude - to 1/10000 minute

Course over ground - relative to true north to 0.1 degree

True Heading - 0 to 359 degrees from eg. gyro compass

Time stamp - UTC time accurate to nearest second when this data was generated

In addition, the following data is broadcast every 6 minutes:


IMO ship identification number - a seven digit number that remains unchanged upon transfer of the ship's registration to another country

Radio call sign - international radio call sign, up to seven characters, assigned to the vessel by its country of registry

Name - 20 characters to represent the name of the vessel

Type of ship/cargo

Dimensions of ship - to nearest meter

Location of positioning system's (eg. GPS) antenna onboard the vessel

Type of positioning system - such as GPS, DGPS or LORAN-C

Draught of ship - 0.1 meter to 25.5 meters

Destination - max 20 characters

ETA (estimated time of arrival) at destination - UTC month/date hour:minute


And I found it to be that good, I want but at the moment can't afford one weep.gif




I got mine fitted in with my navman 8084 so it shows on the chart and with or without radar overlay on and i find it very good thats why i'm thinking of TX my info out to others in the same way and the unit is under


Only time I've used it was on the Troms Explorer delivery to Norway and that was receive only.


Martin was with me and used it too and will probably agree that it was an excellent tool, particularly in high seas, bad weather and at night.


If you could transmit too, then I think it will work alongside radar and gps wonderfully.


Something I would love on my boat if I used it a little more.





I saw it in use on a laptop on HMS Southampton - mind you they don't broadcast a signal!!!


Only useful if the vessel you are interested in has it's details filled out and up to date.





I saw it in use on a laptop on HMS Southampton - mind you they don't broadcast a signal!!!


Only useful if the vessel you are interested in has it's details filled out and up to date.




I don't care what the name of the ship is and where it is coming from.


I want to know if it is on a collision course with me and how fast it is going.

That will work regardless of what details are in the system.


Don't forget it should also give the lat/long of every commercial angling boat, and progressively give you all of their most popular fishing marks....


Not that I'm contemplating this....




there are varying qualitys of ais you gets what you pays for , the ait250 is a transponder not just a reciever the clever bit is its got a silence button that turns the transmit bit off so all the droolers wont find your favorite rusty lump

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