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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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I must be one of the few who actually enjoyed his last series. He wasn't much of a fisherman like Wilson or Henry etc, but he was quite real, the average Joe, didn't know much but thoroughly enjoys his fishing.



I'm glad you enjoyed it, I was beginning to think I was the only one.

I guess I can see me in Robson Green.... maybe with a little more hair rolleyes.gif ..... a lot less money...... sad.gif


He still cant cast thought he would have had some practice since the last series. He also managed to change reels twice whilst playing a Sturgeon (clever that eh?). Sod him the venues are fantastic!!!




My Mrs liked it, so that means I can watch it again next week. blink.gif


I thought it was a good laugh. The Mrs now wants a holiday in Canada. I'll go skinny dipping if she does! ph34r.gif




Well I must say we enjoyed it, I also spotted the reels changing tongue.gif


Wendy likes Robson so she enjoyed the skinny dipping tongue.gif


Dan and I were in fits of laughter at various stages,

when he ran up the ladder showing how an actor does it

and when the other Kayak fisherman told him how to deal with a fish

"Drag it on to the top and smack the shit out of it"


The commercial fishing looked a bit too extreme, obviously they take quota's seriously in Canada when you see them throwing halibut back.




The look on his face as he tried the caviar was worth a thousand words, before he described it!! sick.gifsick.gif


As for the changing reels, I wonder how many fish were hooked and lost, before he landed one.


apparantly the producers originally had him down for a day's small boat fishing launching at Kimmeredge - but this was considered too extreme based on a report here, so he went on that potter instead.

I resemble that remark! sad.gif

indeed Bob


so you are given a choice of repeating the trip wave for wave or a trip out on the potter in the Pacific in 50knot winds...........respond honestly please unsure.gif


Well, that's an easy choice.


I'll take the mild coastal skirmish at Kimmeridge any day vs facing 50 ft waves and 50 knt wides in a freezing cold ocean, miles from anywhere.


At least with Kimmeridge we would know how to handle the situation if we ever experienced it again.


1 - throttle off as you go over the peak of tall waves. This prevents the need for flapping your arms in mid-air as you see your boat disappearing below you! blink.gif )


2 - ensure all crew are wearing their lifejackets. This cushions the blow as you fall back into the boat.


3 - Allow plenty of room between you and the boat in front of you when entering a a narrow channel with rolling waves coming in behind you. This removes the need to park your boat on top of the boat in front of you when they stop to have chat! mad.gif


4 - When surfing a wave in a narrow channel with anchored boats on one side and rocks on the other, give clear hand signals to show your intentions/feelings to surfers as they paddle out oblivious from behind the anchored boats. The resulting red trail in the water attracts too much attention from the seagulls.


5 - If you do decide to turn your bow into a wave, it works better if the engine is running. Otherwise you end up broadside to the oncoming wave, hanging onto the side rails, and using a protractor to check if the specs for capsize angle are correct.


6 - When at the slipway waiting for your buddy to fetch the trailer, use the largest waves to throw your boat as far a possible up the ramp. Your buddy then doesn't have so far to push the trailer. Weedy rocks offer more lubrication compared to concrete, if you have the choice.


Hehe!! PMSL!


You wernt that jolly at the time!


I might re-post the link on the forum just to re-ignite the action! As far as I can remember it is the most dramatic situation faced by a member since we joined?


PS: Why is it whenever 'something' happens to me at sea either james or bob are onboard!!! tongue.gif

I missed the 2nd show but just caught up with it on here:





Its fishing in Alaska - some stunning scenery



I still think the idea for the show is great, but managed all of five minutes as he realy is the most irritating, terrible angling, awful presenting, soft actor ever to be considered for any other form of tv.


The programme is simply awful which is such a shame.

All I can say is no third series plllllleeeeaaaasse and I am so happy that Wire in the blood has been axed too. Maybe he will begin to disappear quietly off our screens....


Well Tom im sure he will be more popular than you ever will and i think the general public would miss him if he disapeared but i guess you dont try it!!!

because we just might not notice ph34r.gif


^^ ouch thats a bit OTT!


i see what your saying tom B,, he tries to act stereotypically "american" with the whoopin and hi 5s whenever he pulls something in, weather this is him, or just his poor attempt to "blend in" i dont know,, but it definately gets to me!


much better to mute when he is speaking, then look at the pictures and whatever the normal alaskan / canadian / etc... is saying!


saying that,, imagine flying to ur fishing grounds, drilling a hole and catching them with a lame lure and a spike!





I think he is letting people see fishing is not the same around the world and when it is your food, no tesco's, i like it




Some bits are definatly better than others, and its obviously just aimed as entertainment rather than a serious fishing program.


I did not enjoy seeing the spearing of fish, but they were being eaten and obviously were plentiful.


Flying to remote spots to fish locations that he had dreamed about for years , I could excuse his over the top excitement.


Just viewed as entertainment I quite enjoy it. Some obviously do not but who can think of anything on the telly that everyone enjoys?

Rather watch this than soaps


Charlie biggrin.gif

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