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Hi guys, i need to change the impellor in my outboard pre season as it's past its best. Got the new manual in the post this week, vague to say the least, so i'm looking for an independent dealer in the Poole area who knows Mariners. If i can avoid using main dealers then all the better, unless anyone knows different, as they're expensive. We're talking mid 90's 2 stroke 60HP. Any help very welcome! sad.gif




I had one of those on my Wilson Flyer.


Make sure she is in neutral and keep it there!!!


Unsrew the lower end and drop it off taking care with the shaft.


Don't cycle the powerhead.


Pad and support the skegg in a vice taking care to hold firmly but gently.


The impellor is under a cup which you should remove.


Replace with new impellor lightly greased with PTFE(?) grease supplied and re-assemble in reverse order taking care not to disturb the gear change or the drive shaft. This will help with re-alignment/location. If it doesn't slot in easily wriggle it a little, don't force it! huh.gif


This is from memory but is basically there.


If in doubt, phone Sam Trickett. I gave him my workshop DVD.





Charlie, Jimbo won't be able to get discount as he has not seen the light and joined the club by the look of his status!


Go on - you know you want to!!!!




Thanks guys for your help, i'm going to see to see Tony at Select Marine this Saturday, he seems helpful and price is good. I don't know if this message has got to all who replied to my original post, forums are new to me, so i don't know if i'm replying to all or only the last guy, Rob?




I'm sure Tony at Select Marine will look after you. I used him for 7 years when I had a Mariner with no problems or upsets.


Rob means you are not an actual club member only a forum member so you are not elligible for club discounts or see certain parts of our site that are reserved for members only



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