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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Hi all, hope your all looking forward to the weekend's weather, 'bout time !!

If anyone could answer me this problem i'd be grateful....I have just sold a Yamaha 25hp but the buyer didn't want the tank, which is full to the brim with 100/1 fuel/oil mix, my replacement engine has a seperate oil tank so do I use or bin it !??, I realise that the additional oil may cause some smoking but would such a light mix cause any problems?, call me tight if you wish but it seems a shame to dispose of 25ltrs.

Best to you all,



Hi Duncan


I would use the fuel up in your current engine, HOWEVER, I would ALWAYS start and warm up the engine on the standard mix them swap tanks over whilst the engine is running.


If you do not use it all just top up with neat petrol to weaken then oil ratio even more.


Excess oil in a cold 2 stroke engine can be a pig to start. if you have ever had an old 2 stroke motorbike you may recall the problems! weep.gif







Coddy's idea is probably the best. use 1/2 old mixture with 1/2 new petrol should do it. Anyway, you can't bin petrol, you'll have to take it to council dump which has this facility.


Btw, welcome to the forum. biggrin.gif


The other answer is to stick it in the car (if it's petrol engined)


!00:1 is a very oil light mix anyway but assuming you have a new empty tank for the new engine use half a tank of 100:1 with neat petrol which will give a 200:1 ratio. then get a glass and put one 200th of a litre of oil in it, take a look at it and think "what on earth am I worrying about laugh.giflaugh.gif


Mad Mike


Jokes apart modern O/B's are made to withstand all sorts of misuse in 3rd world environments. What we are talking about here is so minimal as to not worry. smile.gif


Thanks guys, the old engine is gone...the 'new' one is a '94 30hp Suzuki with seperate oil tank, the idea of using it more so when mixed with neat fuel seems like a good idea wink.gif , and yep I did use to have old two strokes.....lots of 'em, every time I start the boat up the smell reminds me of back then,..those were the days eh?..blasting along on an X7 , girl clinging on, lovely ! biggrin.gif

Anyway once again your replies were appreciated and i'll let you know what the outcome is,


Keep 'em tight,



Duncan astoundingly admits........ girl clinging on, lovely ohmy.gif


Duncan!!... Klingons are an alien species ph34r.gif , you should be going out with an Earth girl!! laugh.gif


Mad Mike

But Klingons ladies are much more fun, they bite ....... rolleyes.gif


Whilst we are on the subject of fuel, and a comment Newboy made...I have a 25l tank which I aquired, however it is full of old 2 stroke mix, and therfore no good for my 4 stoke, how or can I get rid of this??




Have you got a 2 stroke lawn mower?


Mix a bit with your outboard petrol, it wont hurt the engine in any way.


Back in the days when men walked in front of cars with a red flag, some people may recall this ( biggrin.gif ) if you had a new engine you always use to add a few shots of RedX oil in with petrol to help lubricate the parts oil could not reach.


Speeway racing engine always used Castrol R oil in with the petrol.


So to answer the question, water the mix down with neat petrol and don't worry anbout a slight smoky exhuast sick.gif









Adam, if you must rid of the old 2 s mix, phone the council, they will be able to tell you which amenity dump has the facility to accept petrol. However you can also give it to other boat users. There must be someone else using old 2 stroke.


Adam, I'll take the old mixture off your hands, my machines use two stroke mix at 50/1, so I'm sure I can add oil to it to bring it up to my levels. Ive got two, two stroke cans, and can take 10 litres a time, will speak on thursday, if not before.






Nice one..it is already 50/1. I cant make Thurs due to work, but when we go stinger fishing week after Ill bring it along, it is slightly less than 25l..about 15.




Ok Adam, the digging situation down at Lepe is first class at the moment, let me know the proposed day, I'll dig the day before, as rag coming out of Poindesters is a little drippy at the moment. I might try the small bream method if we can catch any.


Will persue the precise numbers too!!!! wink.gif




PS...................The new club record is out there !!!!!!!!


PPS................. Apparently............my name is on it laugh.gif


Rich / Adam,


I have week 9th to 14th August off, so will be going out fishing that week a few times - so if you don't mind wouldn't mind trying to beat the current club record smile.gif



Rich / Adam,


I have week 9th to 14th August off, so will be going out fishing that week a few times - so if you don't mind wouldn't mind trying to beat the current club record smile.gif

If your short of a crew one day Paul give me a shout please.


Mad Mike



You have my permission to go fishing sat as the Boat Jumble is on SUNDAY 8TH AUGUST sorry to shout but you obviously havent got yer earin thingy in laugh.gif



Bloody good job I asked ........ Coulda turned up Saturday and looked a complete twit!! blink.gif


Ah, in that case Paul I very reluctantly have to say no to Saturday as I have some jobs to do with Carol and Morgan in the garden. Elivating the shed so it sits at the same level as the new decking.

As Aristotle once said "Give me a long enough lever and a place to stand and I could move the earth"

He also said " Here's looking at Euclid" but thats another story..........


Mad Mike

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