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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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After the blank!! It was back out to my trusted ledge marks last nite ,only to find the fish were there but along with several tonnes of seaweed, in every shape and size from snotty green slime to 6ft long kelp!! unsure.gif

Its was hard fishing, wind against tide and lots of weed ment constat re-baiting, but paul and I did get a couple of bream and huss, And I missed a screaming take on a big bait that could only have been a bass but after bounceing off him found my hook point was stuck in a bit of weed mad.gifmad.gifmad.gifmad.gifmad.gif

So it was off for a sole .we had one each first cast then then the sole vanished. Its maybe still a bit early.we ended up with a few different species though,7 in total ,Bream,dogs,huss,eels,mackrel and a sole each for tea! biggrin.gif



Hi James,


What a mysterious place / area the Ledge is !! I've only been fishing it for the past two years and find the combination of changing tidal flow and fantastically varying topography a real challenge and endlessly fascinating ...... would love to do a trip along it in a mini - submarine when the water was clear!! [ but it would need to be well powered in those tides....... and able to avoid all the pots, ropes and buoys ].


Strange the occurance or not of weed ...... sorry you got it Mon.; I was out yesterday morning [ probably the next tide after you ] and had hardly any! but the tide was screaming along ... and burying lots of buoys under the surface...real hazard!


Plenty of mackeral ........ esp. closer in ..... but failed to connect with any bass. Most bream were tiddly; close in hordes of little bait robbers, few further out.

Pollack [mostly small] and lots of pout .


I'd like to find out more about the sole fishing...... do you go over towards Barton, worm baits??? do you have to fish at night for them ? Any tips gratefully received.






Alan, apparently there is a shallow dip just off the coastline quite close in, the sole congregate there, fish with worm into darkness. A sole ounces off the |British record was caught two weeks ago at night............the fish was really black in colour, and caught on worm. Best times are fast approaching, fish through august, anywhere from Lepe along Taddiford, and Barton.


Regards, Rich


sole fishing at barton is pretty good this time of year .about another 2-3 weeks and things really start happening, barton is a good place to go. about five hundred yards from shore and try and look for bottom contours, you should be able to find dips and humps. worm baits are best with smelly lug being a personal favourite.needs to be a night trip and preferably on a big ish tide coz they need the movement.done a copuple of trips with jimbob last year most we had in a night was thirteen to about two pounds also plenty of dabs and a nice plaice about 21/2lbs to top it off


Nice one, thanks for the detail...... just one other query..... anchor or drift ??


Keen to try this one....... esp. being a night-time novice.






Though Ive never caught one, I've eaten plenty....

Someone once told me that Poole harbour small ship channel along the Xboat moorings, just down from the parkstone platform, there's a special oozey mud that they love.

.... but this came from the same bloke who recommended a roast chicken skin for the bass off salterns.


Charlie should know it, as its his patch ?

Martin claims ......44 years of fishing it rolleyes.gif


You must have started at birth Mr Chairman Sir ......... Surely your august personage can not be that old? ohmy.gif


Mad (the creep) Mike

You aftering a seat on Maverick on Sunday?!

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