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HI All

as i was returning from a mornings fishing this saturday luckly made it past the chain link ferry this time.

the engine was fine untill my return it was cutting out

the engine seems ok on choke

but when i throttle up it justs pops along very slowly i have striped down the fuel lines and cleaned the tanks, clean fuel checked the oil etc

im at alost

does any one have any suggestions





not having a good time at the mo

welcome to the world of boats LOL laugh.gif


Sounds like fuel starvation, so you're probably in the right area.

Did you change the fuel filters ?

Is it carburrettors or injectors?

2 stroke or 4 ?

If it's carbs, they should be fairly do - able yourself.

I have heard that fuel can " go off " if it has 2 stroke oil mixed in it and left to stand.





Hi Jim


its 2 stroke

the oil is miexed by a serperate oil tank which is in the engine and the resivor is full


The oil in the engine is new


no havent changed the filters > will have alook

the boat has had a good blast so should of cleaned the bits inside (not very technical i know)

is ther any engine cleaner i can put in the fuel to flush out???




I don't know about aditives Adam.

On my carbs on my old engine, I had a big brass drain screw at the bottom of the float chambers. If you have them, you should be able to drain out any water etc.




Hi Adam


Just a thought, it might be work checking that one of the internal hoses does not have a leak which is squirting onto the electrics.


Reason for saying this I had a mariner O/B and when I fitted a stern boarding ladder the wash spray went up and over the hood of the engine. There was a slight leak in the seal and I had a misfire situation. Trouble was it took ages to find out as it was dry by the time I got to look under the hood.





have you checked to make sure the engine isnt overheating and dropped down onto tickover running some engines have this as a safety cushion to protect the engine from lack of cooling water, and have you made sure the oil is actually mixing with the fuel ive only said this because our lad had a problem with his two stroke scooter where the oil had run out of the tank and when it was filled back up a air bubble had formed in the pipe and stopped the oil from mixing. just a thought


Use Fuel Set in the petrol of my two stroke it breaks up water droplets and stops jets waxing. Check the bleed on the oil reservoir I had a similar problem once and the tiny rubber bleed valve was soaked in oil and not doing its job so the engine was registering low oil and reducing to 2000 revs. Also had problem with kink in fuel line having the same effect. Check filter inside fuel tanks.


Hi Adam,


I had a similar problem on a Johnson 50 VRO many years ago.


It would run on tick over ok but as the throttle was open it would die.


Check the fuel tank breather and also the fuel pump diaphragms for holes.


Also if the motor has been standing for a while the fuel can evaporate in the float chambers leading to varnish in the pilot ways and main jets.


If you find the pilot ways blocked - do not be tempted to poke them out with a piece of wire as this will result in over sized jetting which will upset the fuel air ratios.


We used to use trichloroethylene to soak the carburettor component but I think this is now banned substance.


Mikey B



we had a customer this week end with his new second hand boat ,this was his first launch,we suggested running up the outboard on the hose first which he agreed,outboard would only run at 2000 rpm and above easy fix butterflys sticking wd 40 spray no good ,so air cleaner of wd 40 at the ready opps 6mm bolt stuck on the throttle spindle one little wave outboard eats bolt end of outboard ,moral of this story count all the bits,good luck.

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