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sorry guys- not fishing related, but afetr some help.


i have a nokia 5800 and want to know what 3g is, what it does and how i find it on my phone.


It always says i am out of 3g range and i need to re-connect to the 3g network.


Anyone know where this is? i have searched on the net and kind find much.




3g is supposedly the mobile broadband, and is supported by most modern phones, it basically facilitates faster internet browsing on your phone. However, if youve got broadband at home, it will drive you nuts as its SO SLOW!!!!


Also, make sure your contract has an allowance for internet usage, othewise you will create quite a hefty bill by the end of the month!!!!!


to fiddle around with it, it should be in the connectivity settings of your nokia phone, and its possible to have your network send you a text that will sort it out automagically!




I am with 3. - After getting a 65 quid bill, I have set my credit to Zero.

I now pay 5 quid per month extra for broadband ( only on my phone )

I looked at your spec. I see you have wi-fi so you can log into any wireless internet that is not password protected. Or a friend willing to share their code. This will be free of charge.

Be careful, it's easy to run up a bill if you're new to that sort of thing.





I have had problems with 3 in the past


they do not let you move your sim card into another phone


I had a Nokia N90, too fussy to get mackeral scales in, and put my sim card in an old phone


they sent me threatening messages ststing they would disconnest me if i did not return sim card to their phone


on the second time i did this they disconnected me and made me promise not to do this again, they were not interested in the fact that i was paying them for the service and wanted to use it any way i wanted.


they stated i must only use a 3 phone


I bought my way out of the contract and would never go back


10 months after i paid to leave the contract I got a bill and 10 days later a debt collectors letter, despite statements that i had paid full and final settlement they wanted to pursue this through the courts. i reluctantly paid..


My advice is avoid 3 like the plague, they are ok for teenagers but if you want to change your sim card into an old phone to use on the boat they will get spiteful


Use vodafone it works well here and they are more flexible

Tony Deavin


If you dont know what it is then its probably best to dig into the phones settings and turn it off, unless you really need internet on yer phone.


the reason you would be better turning it off if not needed is that you cant accidently connect which will cost you cash, but more importantly it will stop the phone scanning 3g connections which will almost certainly allow the battery to last longer between recharges.


If you do need it mind then its quite good, i use to connect my laptop through the phone and use it for fast internet access on the laptop, used it all the time but the firm paid for it.

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