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Will the person who lost a fishing rod please form a queue outside my office !


My Brother has found a Rod and Reel washed up locally.

Has anyone lost one ?




Posted (edited)

Ben(Seagypsy) went fishing a couple of weeks back with 2 of his kayaking friends.One of his friends who goes by the name of Mullethunter(Steve who is a forum member on this site) capsized and lost alot of gear,including a rod.He didnt have it leashed down.I think it was near Brownsea island.

Here is the report and the list of stuff he lost.Looks like it was a barbel rod and baitrunner reel.



Well, 3 of us: Simon"Milesfromthesea" (all the way from Oxfordshire), Ben"Seagypsy" and myself met up for for what was supposed to be a leisurely trip out around Poole Harbour going with the tides looking for early flounder around Hamworthy and Bass near the entrance.


First little hiccup: the wind a chilly N/E and me in a summer wetsuit. I had, in my wisdom, thought that the weather and water temp would still be warm enough. Wrong! the wind blew straight through and my feet were wet and cold all day long (and this was going to be a fairly long day, 12.00 till approx 21.00).


Launch at Lake pier was uneventful and we paddled down a little way to anchor off ( Ben and Simon both had little hiccups dragging their anchors a little) from the Marine camp. Just the obligatory shore crabs showing after missing one of only 2 bites I had all day , so off we went for a paddle with the out going tide and wind behind us "ish" across to the other side of the harbour to drift fish one of the lower channels (cant think of the name of it right now). Got to the intended spot only to find it very difficult to fish a drift as the breeze was blowing us sideways across the flow (no good whatsoever). Ben did manage to catch a strange looking dog turd shaped mollusc that squirted water when viciously squeezed by him.


Got down to the area south of Brownsea Island to find the water very shallow but very pleasant out of the wind in the lea of the island. Ben is a good bloke, but even more so when he suggests things like "why don't we pull up on Stone Island and I'll get the burner on and cook us all some sausages". When we got there Simon and I put a rod out while Ben got the food on. The sausages in rolls with onions and tomato sauce were blinding. Something about alfresco dining that I always find a bit special; must be the old hunter/gatherer in me.

While this was all going on Simon picked up his first yak caught fish, a small bass. Well done!


The tide was now stating to make fairly fast, so time to up sticks and and head out towards the main flow with the intention of anchoring on the edge of the main channel off Brownsea Castle.


This is when it all started to go a bit "Pete Tong". First thing; my left hand front seat clip just snapped clean off as I was pushing hard into the current to get round the island, making paddling very awkward. Next and most foolishly, in my haste to get the anchor down before I was too far off the channel I dropped it down amidships on the side of the yak away from the flow. Almost immediately the warp went under the boat, I panicked a little and instead of just letting go I tried to wrestle the anchor trolley to the front. Unfortunately it was extremely difficult to brace properly with the insecure seat. I must have slipped a bit because the next thing I remember was, the yak being swamped on the right buy the full force of the Poole Harbour flood. within 1/2 a second I was in the drink, thinking "how the fook" did that happen and those guys on the shore must be thinking what a d*ck!


Now comes the moral of the story. Earlier this summer I spent the best

Edited by Zzippy
If the rod is a preston innovations asaki specialist/barbel rod with a 5000 size shimano baitrunner on it, then its mine thank you. biggrin.gif

Sorry Steve.

I Googled the shimano Baitrunner.

This one's a Multipier, so it's not yours.

My Brother says he wants to keep it if it's not claimed.

Anyone else lost a Rod & Reel ?



I wonder if it's my Daiwa Spinning Rod with Shimano Torium reel, last seen attached to a very large Tope in Alderney..............


Perhaps it followed me back with the intent of returning my prized possessions!


won't hold my breath though




Sorry Andy !


Both Rod and Reel will need a bit of TLC and if it was up to me, I would give them to Steve or yourself.

But my Brother is claiming Treasure Trove and if the owner does not claim them, he wants them back



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